umbrelOS 1.0 reads only microsd storage

@mayank - Upgrading to 1.0.3 didn’t work for me. Still don’t have access to my umbrel in the state it was before the upgrade. Also, my settings page still tells me that I am on 0.5.4 and I can upgrade to 1.0.0.

I tried logging in via ssh (with the password i also use to login via browser) and i get this message now: Permission denied, please try again.

Im sure i inserted the correct password. I checked it 10 times now… Didnt have this issue before.

Also this:
The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:pbxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
This host key is known by the following other names/addresses:
C:\Users\xxxxxxx/.ssh/known_hosts:1: umbrel.local
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?

I dont know what to select here. “Yes” did not help

@NanaAddo I have this same issue.

@NanaAddo Can you try using umbrel as the ssh password and see if that works?

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It did work :slight_smile:

It says: cat ~/umbrel/umbrel.yaml | grep version
version: 1.0.2

@NanaAddo, great. Thank you for sharing. Looks like your device is still running umbrelOS 1.0.2.

Would you please be able to update it to 1.0.3 and see if you still face the issue?

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i thought i did :smiley:

went here: How to update to umbrelOS 1.0

slide number 2: “Download the latest umbrelOS 1.0.3 for Raspberry Pi 4 on your computer.”

Downloaded, and flashed with balenaEtcher. Where should I get the correct file?

Got the update correct now. cat ~/umbrel/umbrel.yaml | grep version → version: 1.0.3.

Update seems working now. Maybe I somehow downloaded v.1.0.2 an hour ago? Thanks for your help @mayank !

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Maybe try the input of @mayank ?

@BitcoinKeegan would you be able to DM me your Telegram/Discord or any other live-chat messenger details? More than happy to troubleshoot this with you

No pressure, but is there a timeline for NVMe support (as a boot drive and/or as an addition to Micro SD storage) on RPi 5? I have new hardware just sitting here doing nothing. When I saw the announcement that 1.0 supported RPi 5 I assumed that it meant it fully supported it, including NVMe drives. Sadly, that turns out to not be the case. So, I’ve ordered a USB3 enclosure for the 2 TB drive, which will be here in a few days, but I’d rather not use USB3 as it’s functionally slower than NVMe. If the 1.1 release and NVMe support is expected in a few days to a week or so I’ll wait for 1.1. But if it’s a 6 months out thing then I’ll use USB3 and try to get up and running that way, and hope for a smooth migration when 1.1 comes out. So, it would be great to get a better understand of the timelines. Also, Citadel, a branch off of Umbrel (as you know), claims NVMe support on RPi 5. And I was under the impression that “his” code/update could be installed back into UmbrelOS. Is that doable without breaking all kinds of things in UmbrelOS 1.x?

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@mayank, I noticed the reference to 1.0.3. My settings tab shows that my 1.0.1 version is up-to-date. I am okay with that, but I was wondering why it does not show newer versions are available. It’s probably best to wait a bit before updating to newer versions anyway. Have a great evening and thanks again for your help! You are greatly appreciated.

Hi @Braveheart apologies for any confusion, as this is a patched version of the update, you will need to repeat the steps shown here to move to 1.0.3.
Hope that helps!

Thank you!

I am halfway through downloading the blockchain. When I update the microSD card to 1.0.3, it will require me to create a new account won’t it? Then I will have to start Bitcoin Core from scratch? Thanks.

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Nope! It should continue using the data that already exists on your SSD, so everything should be the same in terms of apps after starting your RPi back-up.

Interested to know how you go with this?

Hi, thanks 1.03 finally is OK for me.

I may not upgrade to 1.0.3 because my last flash corrected the problem I was having which was umbrel not reading my ssd storage correctly.