Umbrel cannot start apps after upgrade to 1.0

Hello, after upgrade to 1.0 my Umbrel cannot start apps

Here are logs for Bitcoin Node from Troubleshoot:

Command failed with exit code 1: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/legacy-compat/app-script logs bitcoin
time="2024-03-23T09:46:48Z" level=warning msg="/usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/legacy-compat/docker-compose.app_proxy.yml: `version` is obsolete"
time="2024-03-23T09:46:48Z" level=warning msg="/usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/legacy-compat/docker-compose.tor.yml: `version` is obsolete"
time="2024-03-23T09:46:48Z" level=warning msg="/usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/legacy-compat/docker-compose.common.yml: `version` is obsolete"
time="2024-03-23T09:46:48Z" level=warning msg="/home/umbrel/umbrel/app-data/bitcoin/docker-compose.yml: `version` is obsolete"
time="2024-03-23T09:46:48Z" level=warning msg="networks.default: is deprecated. Please set name and external: true"
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

If I try run some script, there is a problem with docker-compose:

Killing background services
Stopping installed apps...

This script requires "docker-compose" to be installed

How can I restart my apps please?

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Yes I have the same problem as well ! :slight_smile:

No solution though :disappointed_relieved:

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Apologies @jrck @clemsy. Can you please confirm whether you’re running umbrelOS 1.0.0, 1.0.1, or 1.0.2? Also, please let me know on which device are you running umbrelOS.

I am also getting the same issue

@BitcoinKeegan @jrck Would you please be able to try the latest umbrelOS 1.0.3? This will most likely fix your issue.

You can update to it by SSH’ing into your device with ssh and using your Umbrel password.

Then, on a Raspberry Pi, you can run:

sudo mender install && sudo reboot

Alternatively, if you are using a Raspberry Pi and aren’t comfortable with running terminal command, you can simply re-flash your microSD card with umbrelOS 1.0.3 by following the instructions here: How to update to umbrelOS 1.0

If you’re using the Umbrel Home, you should run:

sudo mender install && sudo reboot

Let us know if umbrelOS 1.0.3 fixes the issue for you!

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@clemsy Sorry, your issue is slightly different. We’ll respond to it here: Bitcoin app Not Running - #5 by clemsy

I actually cannot ssh into my machine anymore since I updated to 1.0.2. So I’ll reflash my SD carrying my OS and see if that works.

I managed to upgrade to 1.0.3, but still have this issue only with the Home Assistant app failing to start.

Using the new cli, I get this error when I try to restart.

$ umbreld client apps.restart.mutate --appId home-assistant
TRPCClientError: Command failed with exit code 15: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/legacy-compat/app-script stop home-assistant
    at TRPCClientError.from (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/client/dist/TRPCClientError-38f9a32a.mjs:27:20)
    at file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/client/dist/links/httpLink.mjs:35:60
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {
  meta: {
    response: Response {
      [Symbol(realm)]: null,
      [Symbol(state)]: [Object],
      [Symbol(headers)]: [HeadersList]
    responseJSON: { error: [Object] }
  shape: {
    message: 'Command failed with exit code 15: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/legacy-compat/app-script stop home-assistant',
    code: -32603,
    data: {
      httpStatus: 500,
      stack: 'Error: Command failed with exit code 15: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/legacy-compat/app-script stop home-assistant\n' +
        '    at makeError (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/execa/lib/error.js:60:11)\n' +
        '    at handlePromise (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/execa/index.js:124:26)\n' +
        '    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n' +
        '    at App.restart (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/app.ts:216:3)\n' +
        '    at async resolveMiddleware (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:421:30)\n' +
        '    at async callRecursive (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:451:32)\n' +
        '    at async callRecursive (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:451:32)\n' +
        '    at async callRecursive (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:451:32)\n' +
        '    at async resolve (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:481:24)\n' +
        '    at async inputToProcedureCall (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/resolveHTTPResponse-2fc435bb.mjs:46:22)',
      path: 'apps.restart',
      zodError: null
  data: {
    httpStatus: 500,
    stack: 'Error: Command failed with exit code 15: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/legacy-compat/app-script stop home-assistant\n' +
      '    at makeError (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/execa/lib/error.js:60:11)\n' +
      '    at handlePromise (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/execa/index.js:124:26)\n' +
      '    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n' +
      '    at App.restart (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/app.ts:216:3)\n' +
      '    at async resolveMiddleware (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:421:30)\n' +
      '    at async callRecursive (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:451:32)\n' +
      '    at async callRecursive (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:451:32)\n' +
      '    at async callRecursive (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:451:32)\n' +
      '    at async resolve (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:481:24)\n' +
      '    at async inputToProcedureCall (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/resolveHTTPResponse-2fc435bb.mjs:46:22)',
    path: 'apps.restart',
    zodError: null
  [cause]: undefined

I have same problem can not install apps after OS update to 1.05

OS log entry:
] GET /trpc/user.get
Mar 22 19:13:57 umbrel umbreld[1650]: [server ] POST /trpc/apps.install
Mar 22 19:13:57 umbrel umbreld[1650]: [apps ] Installing app bitcoin
Mar 22 19:13:57 umbrel umbreld[1650]: [apps ] Setting up data directory for bitcoin
Mar 22 19:13:58 umbrel umbreld[4281]: time=“2024-03-22T19:13:58Z” level=warning msg=“/usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/legacy-compat/docker-compose.yml: version is obsolete”
Mar 22 19:13:58 umbrel umbreld[4281]: Container auth Running

Yes I have same problem. I reinstalled OS 1.0.3 several times, then Umbrel starts, but cannot install any apps. Press the “install” button next to bitcoin app, and it just stops

@Jon @scottcronk would you be able to get me the following logs so I can’t take a look:

sudo journalctl -u umbrel -b

If you’re using Mac or Linux you can download the logs to your machine with

ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local "sudo journalctl -u umbrel -b > /tmp/umbrel.log" && scp umbrel@umbrel.local:/tmp/umbrel.log ~/Downloads/umbrel.log

The logifle should be dropped in your Downloads folder which you can upload here.


Thank you for your advice! I’m using Raspbery Pi. Unfortunately, after update to 1.0.3 the problem still persists. Apps not running and trials to run scripts ends up with the same error.

@jrck would you be able to get me the output of

sudo journalctl -u umbrel -b

too please?

Also could you avoid using the ./scripts commands. Those are left behind form your old 0.5 install and not supported anymore, thanks!

Here is journal:

Mar 24 09:04:33 umbrel systemd[1]: Started umbrel.service - Umbrel daemon.
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] ☂️  Starting Umbrel v1.0.3
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ]
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] dataDirectory: /home/umbrel/umbrel
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] port:          80
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] logLevel:      verbose
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ]
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel mender[924]: time="2024-03-24T09:04:49Z" level=info msg="'UpdateControlMapExpirationTimeSeconds' i>
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel mender[924]: time="2024-03-24T09:04:49Z" level=info msg="'UpdateControlMapBootExpirationTimeSecond>
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel mender[924]: time="2024-03-24T09:04:49Z" level=info msg="No configuration files present. Using def>
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel mender[924]: time="2024-03-24T09:04:49Z" level=warning msg="No server URL(s) specified in mender c>
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel mender[924]: time="2024-03-24T09:04:49Z" level=warning msg="Server entry 1 has no associated serve>
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel mender[924]: time="2024-03-24T09:04:49Z" level=info msg="No dual rootfs configuration present"
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel mender[924]: time="2024-03-24T09:04:49Z" level=error msg="Could not commit Artifact: There is noth>
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel mender[924]: time="2024-03-24T09:04:49Z" level=warning msg="There is nothing to commit"
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] [error] Failed to commit OS partition: Command failed with exit code 2: >
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: time="2024-03-24T09:04:49Z" level=info msg="'UpdateControlMapExpirationTimeSeconds' >
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: time="2024-03-24T09:04:49Z" level=info msg="'UpdateControlMapBootExpirationTimeSecon>
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: time="2024-03-24T09:04:49Z" level=info msg="No configuration files present. Using de>
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: time="2024-03-24T09:04:49Z" level=warning msg="No server URL(s) specified in mender >
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: time="2024-03-24T09:04:49Z" level=warning msg="Server entry 1 has no associated serv>
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: time="2024-03-24T09:04:49Z" level=info msg="No dual rootfs configuration present"
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: time="2024-03-24T09:04:49Z" level=error msg="Could not commit Artifact: There is not>
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: time="2024-03-24T09:04:49Z" level=warning msg="There is nothing to commit"
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] Set ondemand cpu governor
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] Checking if system time is synced before continuing...
Mar 24 09:04:49 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] System time is not currently synced, waiting...
Mar 24 09:04:50 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] System time is not currently synced, waiting...
Mar 24 09:04:52 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] System time is not currently synced, waiting...
Mar 24 09:04:53 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] System time is not currently synced, waiting...
Mar 24 09:04:54 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] System time is not currently synced, waiting...
Mar 24 09:04:55 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] System time is not currently synced, waiting...
Mar 24 09:04:56 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] System time is not currently synced, waiting...
Mar 24 09:04:57 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] System time is not currently synced, waiting...
Mar 24 09:04:58 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] System time is not currently synced, waiting...
Mar 24 09:04:59 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] System time is not currently synced, waiting...
Mar 24 09:05:00 umbrel umbreld[791]: [umbreld  ] [error] System time is not synced but timeout was reached. Continuing...
Mar 24 09:05:00 umbrel umbreld[791]: [apps     ] [error] Failed to clean containers: Command failed with exit code 1: doc>
Mar 24 09:05:00 umbrel umbreld[791]: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker da>
Mar 24 09:05:00 umbrel umbreld[791]: [apps     ] Cleaning up old networks...
Mar 24 09:05:00 umbrel umbreld[980]: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker da>
Mar 24 09:05:00 umbrel umbreld[791]: [apps     ] [error] Failed to clean networks: Command failed with exit code 1: docke>
Mar 24 09:05:00 umbrel umbreld[791]: [appstore ] Initialising app store
Mar 24 09:05:01 umbrel umbreld[791]: [appstore ] Initialising repositories...
lines 1-44

@jrck could you please try this:

sudo systemctl stop umbrel
sudo systemctl stop docker docker.socket
sudo bash -c "rm -rf /var/lib/docker/*"
sudo systemctl start docker docker.socket
sudo systemctl start umbrel
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So how should I run scripts to control applications please? Is there any replacement for the old scripts?

Sorry it’s not very well documented yet, you can use this reference for now: Why is docker-compose not working anymore with Umbrel 1.0? - #8 by goyban

Thank you so much! It looks like it’s working :+1: Applications has been started.

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Brilliant, glad we got you up and running @jrck!

@scottcronk @Jon @BitcoinKeegan

If you’re facing the same issue this command will likely fix it for you too:

sudo systemctl stop umbrel
sudo systemctl stop docker docker.socket
sudo bash -c "rm -rf /var/lib/docker/*"
sudo systemctl start docker docker.socket
sudo systemctl start umbrel
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@scottcronk @Jon @BitcoinKeegan

Would be great if you wouldn’t mind confirming back and let me know if this works for you, thanks!