All apps "Not running"

I can’t believe this. From the start I’ll explain how I got here.

My bitcoin node stop getting blocks 3 months ago. So I come here to troubleshoot and find that I can handy dandy see the logs with sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/debug

But I run this and get

/home/umbrel/umbrel/scripts/debug: line 131: docker-compose: command not found

Like a normal person, I want to install docker-compose. I guess I shouldn’t have because since doing that, all of my apps say “Not running”

How tf was I supposed to know these scripts don’t work anymore and I had to use the hidden development umbreld ones??

And now where do I go from here? How can I revive my whole home server?
Looking for any help at all please.

And running the new umbreld scripts to restart an app

umbreld client apps.restart.mutate --appId bitcoin

I get

TRPCClientError: Command failed with exit code 1: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/legacy-compat/app-script stop bitcoin
    at TRPCClientError.from (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/client/dist/TRPCClientError-38f9a32a.mjs:27:20)
    at file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/client/dist/links/httpLink.mjs:35:60
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {
  meta: {
    response: Response {
      [Symbol(realm)]: null,
      [Symbol(state)]: [Object],
      [Symbol(headers)]: [HeadersList]
    responseJSON: { error: [Object] }
  shape: {
    message: 'Command failed with exit code 1: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/legacy-compat/app-script stop bitcoin',
    code: -32603,
    data: {
      httpStatus: 500,
      stack: 'Error: Command failed with exit code 1: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/legacy-compat/app-script stop bitcoin\n' +
        '    at makeError (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/execa/lib/error.js:60:11)\n' +
        '    at handlePromise (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/execa/index.js:124:26)\n' +
        '    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n' +
        '    at App.restart (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/app.ts:222:3)\n' +
        '    at async resolveMiddleware (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:421:30)\n' +
        '    at async callRecursive (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:451:32)\n' +
        '    at async callRecursive (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:451:32)\n' +
        '    at async callRecursive (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:451:32)\n' +
        '    at async resolve (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:481:24)\n' +
        '    at async inputToProcedureCall (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/resolveHTTPResponse-2fc435bb.mjs:46:22)',
      path: 'apps.restart',
      zodError: null
  data: {
    httpStatus: 500,
    stack: 'Error: Command failed with exit code 1: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/legacy-compat/app-script stop bitcoin\n' +
      '    at makeError (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/execa/lib/error.js:60:11)\n' +
      '    at handlePromise (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/execa/index.js:124:26)\n' +
      '    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n' +
      '    at App.restart (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/source/modules/apps/app.ts:222:3)\n' +
      '    at async resolveMiddleware (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:421:30)\n' +
      '    at async callRecursive (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:451:32)\n' +
      '    at async callRecursive (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:451:32)\n' +
      '    at async callRecursive (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:451:32)\n' +
      '    at async resolve (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:481:24)\n' +
      '    at async inputToProcedureCall (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/umbreld/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/resolveHTTPResponse-2fc435bb.mjs:46:22)',
    path: 'apps.restart',
    zodError: null
  [cause]: undefined

Well… I’m trying to make sense of what you’re saying. Let’s see if I understand the context. Correct me if I don’t.

1.- You have several apps installed but bitcoin core stopped syncing correctly 3 months ago. In other words, the rest of the apps worked correctly and only bitcoin core failed.

2.- When you ran a command it gave you a result that I think you misunderstood and you proceeded to install docker-compose “like a normal person”. This will have overwritten and modified (made a mess) the docker installation on your umbrel. Therefore, all the apps have stopped working. I’m assuming this based on what you say and another proof is that the rest of the apps worked correctly and only bitcoin core failed… until you installed docker.

3.- About the scripts that no longer work and that you had to use the hidden development scripts from umbreld… I don’t know what you mean.

Well, now let’s go to what can be done.

First thing is to calm down. Assume that you have corrupted your node installation and you will have to reinstall and start from scratch. However, we will try.

It would help if you could provide some information. For example:

  • The umbrelOS log. You can find it in Settings » Troubleshoot » umbrelOS.

  • Device you are using (Mini-pc, Raspberry Pi, etc.)

  • Version of your umbrelOS.

We can start there hoping to find a solution to your problem.

I honestly didn’t expect to get a response so I apologize for the ramblings of an angry person. I appreciate the response and knowing that umbrel operates on docker containers, I should have known not to touch docker or docker compose, but alas here we are. I also came from running umbrel on top of ubuntu so I was fine treating umbrel more of just software running out of containers. I am less than 24 hours new to the new umbrel native OS.

For #1 I was following this post to help diagnose the issue

For #2 refer to the above reactive decision making

For #3, I found that I could have accomplished what I needed (in reference to getting bitcoin app logs) with some of these commands or maybe using some new user interfaces I am not used to

Anyways, here are my logs attached as a text file. I included when umbrel booted up, and cut out commands that failed on repeat after a while.

  • LOGS: logs.txt (55.9 KB)
  • Running this on an old PC I am working on converting to a home server
  • On version 1.3

Ok. I understand your frustration. I myself just went through reviving my nodes after upgrading to v1.3. There is something wrong with the upgrade process. I had to reinstall my nodes with v1.3 and make decisions to mitigate the consequences in case of disasters like future upgrades.

I think I understand that you installed umbrel on ubuntu. Could you tell me what instructions or guide you followed to achieve this?

Well, let’s get to your point.

I’ve been looking at your log for a while now and I’m going to be very honest with you. Assuming that you already had a problem with bitcoin core, then you installed docker which ended up crashing all the apps and the system itself, and if we add to that the fact that you upgraded to v1.3 which has errors… well, we have a real hell.

Fixing this would cost blood, sweat and tears. It would be a huge amount of time and work if we fixed it, and if we did, we would have an installation that has already failed considerably and is no longer 100% reliable.

Wouldn’t it be better for you to install everything from scratch and start with something clean that you know hasn’t had any errors?

If it’s about the apps… I see that you installed all of these: bitcoin, gitea, home-assistant, immich, jellyfin, mealie, morphos, nextcloud, onlyoffice-nextcloud, passky-client, passky-server, pi-hole, synapse, tailscale, trilium-notes, wireguard, cloudflared, portainer.

If it’s about the apps and you set up umbreos on ubuntu, in theory, we can access all the app folders and save the configuration and data. Especially the blockchain, which is the hardest thing to download again.

Once the apps are “backed up”, it would be a matter of doing a clean installation of umbrellos and installing each app with its respective folder. In theory everything would work again as you had configured it.

Even if you have 2 disks on your PC, it would allow you to implement measures like the ones I took before new possible disasters. Measures like this.

All this would cost time and work but it would be cheaper and more practical than trying to solve the hell you are in right now.

Well, while you answer me, I continue to see your log.

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Yeah, I agree. I just went through this upgrade process so I think I could just re-run it from the start. I have the on my external disk still I believe. I also have an additional HDD on this machine I can back my data up to. Either way, I think I can just get my stuff backed up and then restart the whole process again.

And I suspect when I reinstall umbrelOS, my bitcoin app will still be in a stuck state. Since its also a pruned node, I may as well just restart that as well bc I want it to be full anyway.

Lastly, for my custom apps I had running, I think I can just get them running out of portainer on my future re-install.

I appreciate the help and direct evaluation on the situation.
If I get stuck on my above plan, I’ll come back here, but I think I can handle the path forward pretty well now.

OK. Don’t forget to tell me what instructions or guide you followed to achieve umbrelos on ubuntu, please?.. I’m just curious to check the assembly/installation process you did…

I recommend you make a well thought out plan of what you want and how you will do it, before proceeding. It is always better to make mistakes and rectify on paper than when you have already implemented things.

If you need help, just let me know.

I did umbrelOS on top of ubunt back before UmbrelOS 1.0
You used to be able to install it to any linux distro from a curl command. Its not supported anymore and not recommended.

I am hitting a host of new issues. I figured now would have been a good time to upgrade my storage SSD NVME to 4.0TB. But installing it I always see “Failed to connect to bus” right before it shuts off and then I booting it is failing in tons of weird ways.

Even weirder, reflashing my old 1TB SSD NVME now also seeing the “Failed to connect bus”