Rasbery Pi → Umbrel Home

Hello. Thank you as always.

I bought Umbrel Home and I’m excited about it, but after I run the migration assistant, my bitcoin node doesn’t start.

What should I do?
What can I tell you?

Or, I want to initialize it and do IBD again, but I don’t know how to initialize it. Please help me.

Should I start initializing from here?

It’s no good. I’m in trouble.

Is this the solution?

I don’t know much about terminal. It’s difficult.

Someone please help me. Where is the reset button?

Reset Umbrel Home

  1. Open a terminal window on your computer. On macOS, you can open the Terminal app that’s installed by default on every Mac. On Windows, you can open Command Prompt or the PowerShell app.

  2. Type in the following command ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local and press the Enter key.

  3. Type cd ~ && sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/stop && sudo rm -rf ~/umbrel && curl -L https://umbrel.sh | bash -s -- --no-install-deps --no-install-start-script && sed -i 's/^check_umbrel_os$/#check_umbrel_os/g' /home/umbrel/umbrel/scripts/umbrel-os/change-password && sed -i 's/if \[\[ -z "${UMBREL_OS:-}" \]\]; then/if [[ -z "${UMBREL_OS:-}" ]] \&\& false; then/g' /home/umbrel/umbrel/scripts/umbrel-os/status-server/set-status && sed -i 's/if \[\[ -z "${UMBREL_OS:-}" \]\]; then/if [[ -z "${UMBREL_OS:-}" ]] \&\& false; then/g' /home/umbrel/umbrel/scripts/umbrel-os/status-server/setup-iptables && sed -i 's/^check_umbrel_os$/#check_umbrel_os/g' /home/umbrel/umbrel/scripts/umbrel-os/service-monitor

  4. Your Umbrel Home should then restart. It’s best to wait a few minutes.