um node was connecting to sparrow before I change the node tor address to the new one in the connect to wallet setup window, is there a reason the address changed and why the new address will not connect.
I am getting the error SOCKS: connection refused
thanks for any help
If you are in your local network use your local nodes IP address.
There is no reason to use Tor in your local network.
The address should not have changed. Are you looking at another spot.?
I’m having a similar problem. Out of literally nowhere, all of the sudden Sparrow will not connect to Electrum. It just hangs indefinitely. This is the case whether I do it locally/native to Linux, or if I do it remote via tor with sparrow on windows. I confirmed that Sparrow wallet is NOT the problem. Something must be wrong with Electrum. I know this because I have separately downloaded Bitcoincore and running that natively on linux with a fully sync’d blockchain, the same sparrow app/wallet will connect just fine to Bitcoincore. The minute I switch it back to Electrum and try to connect to Electrum on my Umbrel - Nothing. Anyone else having this problem?
Edit: I’ve tried to uninstall Electrum from Umbrel, reboot and resync Electrum and reconnect Sparrow to that - after all of that, still nothing…