Question: What is the difference between connecting your sparrow wallet to your node via bitcoin core (URL/USER/PW) and Electrum (URL)?
Issue: For some reason I can no longer connect to my bitcoin node via my electrum URL. Not sure what’s going on. I open my node > Connect > P2P (Tor) > copy Address > Sparrow properties > servers > electrum > paste URL > port 50001 > disable SSL
Won’t test. This isn’t a new node and has been connected to sparrow successfully in the past (aka yesterday). I have rebooted the node and verified up to date.
Note: the reason I asked the top question is because as I write this I’m trying the “bitcoin core” section and it seems to be “working” 40% scanned.
I’ve just started having the exact same issue. Connected to Private Electrm Server using Tor (which was working beautifully for about 2 weeks), then suddenly it stopped working the other day and now trying to find a way to connect Electrm via umbrel.local (following Darth Coin guide but not had any success) and also can’t find a way to connect to Bitcoin Core. Is becoming very frustrating…