Node in syncing loop (98.85% ->98.33% ->98.85%...)

Hi all!

I’m lost here…
Been using Umbrel for +1 year without issues. After moving my node to a different place (done many times without problems due to remore work) I suddenly noticed that syncing back to 100% didn’t happen anymore. Node is syncing to 98.85% but then stops and re-starts syncing at 98.33% and so on…(jumps back from block 858.541 to 857.077 and starts syncing in the same loop)
I re-flashed several times, and tried downloading the blockchain from scratch - but problem remains.

What can I do? Is the SSD faulty?


Well, I found a solution and just wanted to share:

I re-flashed the SD again; set the cache size in Umbrel/Bitcoin-App to 1500MB; also decided to run a pruned node with 300GB max (because my Hard Drive is only 1 TB). Then started the syncing process - and after downloading for 5 days it works perfectly again! Also got my Sats back from closed channels.