Usually I just keep inserting a newly flashed SD card and it will slowly accumulate synced blocks maybe a few % points of the blockchain at a time. It will just constantly fail and lose connection (I get no connection when accessing the IP address via a browser). Then I reflash and I refresh that IP address web page and it works perfectly for a few more mins before losing connection again. then I have to manually unplug it and insert a newly flashed microsd. Then it will run and then shut off again.
Attached are the logs from the bitcoin node app itself I think, first time trying. I can try to SSH but is that really neccesary?
umbrel_bitcoin_2024-08-14_15-20.log (10 Bytes)
Hi im absolutely struggling with my node. im having the same problem but the reflash DOES NOT WORK! Which leaves me stuck, curious your thoughts on troubleshooting beyond a fresh re flash of the sd. Some background, I have been grinding for 1.5 months to work through various issues. The RPi5 is on still but i’ve lost connection via a browser window to the IP address of the Umbrel. I have a 1 TB SSD and im not sure if its a low power issue to it or what but I cannot find a solution and i’ve scoured at least 100 pages on this topic. I have about 30% of blockchain synced and have burned through probably 20 or 30 re flashes (on new SD cards as well, so trying multiple vendors to make sure it wasnt the sd card)