Invoice expired notification in my wallet

hi, i set up an Umbrel Btc node recently and transferred funds to it before it finished uploading the blockchain. The transfer was from Coinspot and the funds haven’t appeared just a notification saying invoice expired 2 days ago, can anyone tell me what went wrong and can it be resolved? thank you.

Sounds a bit like your confusing Lightning wallet with Umbrel Bitcoin wallet. If you send funds to the Bitcoin wallet then you just wait for the transaction to be included in a block and the blockchain to sync (your funds will still arrive to the proper address but your wallet wont show until the sync is finished).
A lightning invoice will expire after 1 hour by default. You won’t be able to receive any lightning funds until you have channels open with inbound liquidity. You can’t open channels until you have finished syncing the blockchain and have sent funds (3 confirmations) to your Umbrel Bitcoin wallet.


Yes, I transferred funds into my Bitcoin wallet for the first time and it took 2-4 hours for it to appear in my lightning wallet.