In need of some help with node setup

Hey everyone!

Just seeing if I could get some advice on where to troubleshoot. I set up my node the other day and everything went well until going to http://umbrel.local/start.

It just stays here with the loading button flashing.

I bought all the recommended equipment. Cleared SSD card and flashed again, but same thing happens.

I had this message pop up one time when loading,
the version of umbrel0s on your microsd card is not compatible with the version of umbrel on your external drive.

Any advice is much appreciated! Thank you.

Hey @macmayer1!
Are you setting up Umbrel from a previous backup?
It’d be nice to have the debug logs. You can get them via the Terminal by typing:

ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local "~/umbrel/scripts/debug"

The prompted password is either the password you defined earlier or “moneyprintergobrrr” (without quotes)
and share them with us here :pray:

Hey Marcaday, this is what I got.

The authenticity of host ‘umbrel.local (2001:56a:f5df:5d00:15b8:f07f:ff07:885f)’ can’t be established.

ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:+iH2bSHu4GIgA4v7xNcOHqYUV+yOMjfjt1VplBv6UrY.

This key is not known by any other names

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes

Warning: Permanently added ‘umbrel.local’ (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.

umbrel@umbrel.local’s password:

It still was stuck on the loading page,
I had used an older embrel version

I thought that I would try the newer version on the ssd card, still didn’t work. Now I am getting the following on the terminal





Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!

It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.

The fingerprint for the ED25519 key sent by the remote host is


Please contact your system administrator.

Add correct host key in /Users/macmayer1/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.

Offending ED25519 key in /Users/macmayer1/.ssh/known_hosts:1

Host key for umbrel.local has changed and you have requested strict checking.

Host key verification failed.

macmayer1@Mackenzies-MacBook-Pro ~ %

I thought I would go back to the v0.4.18 on the ssd and try again but this message still pops up.

go in and delete that key is an easy way to fix it.

open with a text editor itll look something like this ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAdr5yZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAy123AAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBO0l6H8zAoUQirBqBRwptvGQv52x08BLLVY0QBlHREafBxcr/8ejLflfgSTss8EBWpem8rYj+mptaTP/w/q65ag=

Just delete it and save. Make sure its the right key for the ssh ip address your having an issue with.

Theres probably a more official way to do it but thats how i get around it.

1 Like

Last login: Thu Sep 29 18:39:56 on ttys000
macmayer1@Mackenzies-MacBook-Pro ~ % ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local “~/umbrel/scripts/debug”
umbrel@umbrel.local’s password:

= Umbrel debug info =

Umbrel version


Flashed OS version


Raspberry Pi Model

Revision : d03114
Serial : 10000000a6732ccf
Model : Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4


Dec 1 2021 15:01:54
Copyright © 2012 Broadcom
version 71bd3109023a0c8575585ba87cbb374d2eeb038f (clean) (release) (start)





Memory usage

          total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available

Mem: 7.8G 965M 687M 17M 6.2G 6.7G
Swap: 4.1G 0B 4.1G

total: 12.4%
bitcoin: 11.3%
system: 0.7%
tor: 0.3%
electrs: 0.1%
lnd: 0%

Memory monitor logs

2022-09-29 18:39:59 Memory monitor running!
3771 ? S 0:00 bash ./scripts/memory-monitor
Memory monitor is already running
2022-05-13 16:44:41 Memory monitor running!
2022-09-30 00:36:08 Memory monitor running!
2578 ? S 0:00 bash ./scripts/memory-monitor
5129 ? R 0:00 bash ./scripts/memory-monitor
5130 ? R 0:00 bash ./scripts/memory-monitor
5131 ? R 0:00 bash ./scripts/memory-monitor
Memory monitor is already running

Filesystem information

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 29G 3.1G 25G 12% /
/dev/sda1 916G 318G 553G 37% /home/umbrel/umbrel

Startup service logs

Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel systemd[1]: Starting Umbrel Startup Service…
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: ======================================
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: ============= STARTING ===============
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: ============== UMBREL ================
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: ======================================
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: Setting environment variables…
Sep 30 00:36:31 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: Starting karen…
Sep 30 00:36:31 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: Starting status monitors…
Sep 30 00:36:31 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: Starting memory monitor…
Sep 30 00:36:31 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: Starting backup monitor…
Sep 30 00:36:31 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: Starting decoy backup trigger…
Sep 30 00:36:31 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: Starting Docker services…
Sep 30 00:36:36 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: umbrel_tor_server_1 is up-to-date
Sep 30 00:36:36 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: tor is up-to-date
Sep 30 00:36:36 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: dashboard is up-to-date
Sep 30 00:36:36 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: electrs is up-to-date
Sep 30 00:36:36 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: manager is up-to-date
Sep 30 00:36:36 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: lnd is up-to-date
Sep 30 00:36:36 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: nginx is up-to-date
Sep 30 00:36:36 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: bitcoin is up-to-date
Sep 30 00:36:36 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: middleware is up-to-date
Sep 30 00:36:36 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: neutrino-switcher is up-to-date
Sep 30 00:36:36 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: Removing status server iptables entry…
Sep 30 00:36:36 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: No existing iptables entry found.
Sep 30 00:36:36 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: Starting installed apps…
Sep 30 00:36:37 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: Umbrel is now accessible at
Sep 30 00:36:37 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]: http://umbrel.local
Sep 30 00:36:37 umbrel umbrel startup[5071]:
Sep 30 00:36:37 umbrel systemd[1]: Started Umbrel Startup Service.

External storage service logs

– Logs begin at Tue 2022-06-07 15:16:31 UTC, end at Fri 2022-09-30 00:43:00 UTC. –
Jun 07 15:16:38 umbrel systemd[1]: Starting External Storage Mounter…
Jun 07 15:16:38 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Running external storage mount script…
Jun 07 15:16:41 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Found device “SanDisk SSD PLUS 1000GB”
Jun 07 15:16:41 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Blacklisting USB device IDs against UAS driver…
Jun 07 15:16:42 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Rebinding USB drivers…
Jun 07 15:16:42 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Checking USB devices are back…
Jun 07 15:16:42 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Waiting for USB devices…
Jun 07 15:16:43 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Waiting for USB devices…
Jun 07 15:16:44 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Waiting for USB devices…
Jun 07 15:16:45 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Checking if the device is ext4…
Jun 07 15:16:47 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Yes, it is ext4
Jun 07 15:16:47 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Checking if device contains an Umbrel install…
Jun 07 15:16:47 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Yes, it contains an Umbrel install
Jun 07 15:16:47 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Bind mounting external storage over local Umbrel installation…
Jun 07 15:16:47 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Bind mounting external storage over local Docker data dir…
Jun 07 15:16:47 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Bind mounting external storage to /swap
Jun 07 15:16:47 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Bind mounting SD card root at /sd-card…
Jun 07 15:16:47 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Checking Umbrel root is now on external storage…
Jun 07 15:16:50 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Checking /var/lib/docker is now on external storage…
Jun 07 15:16:50 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Checking /swap is now on external storage…
Jun 07 15:16:50 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Setting up swapfile
Jun 07 15:16:51 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 4 GiB (4294963200 bytes)
Jun 07 15:16:51 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: no label, UUID=7c66fe51-44c8-4a5c-a339-0a66c3281282
Jun 07 15:16:51 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Checking SD Card root is bind mounted at /sd-root…
Jun 07 15:16:51 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Starting external drive mount monitor…
Jun 07 15:16:51 umbrel external storage mounter[513]: Mount script completed successfully!
Jun 07 15:16:51 umbrel systemd[1]: Started External Storage Mounter.

External storage SD card update service logs

Sep 30 00:36:23 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: Creating middleware …
Sep 30 00:36:29 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: Creating middleware … done
Sep 30 00:36:29 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: Creating neutrino-switcher … done
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: Removing status server iptables entry…
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: Removed existing iptables entry.
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: Starting installed apps…
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: Umbrel is now accessible at
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: http://umbrel.local
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]:
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: http://jnjx3adclxe2yr2mewq4kf6nsdcpzcwoffwqxfw2sqpzx3uvligvrnyd.onion
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: == End Update Script ==
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: == Begin Update Script ==
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: =======================================
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: =============== UPDATE ================
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: =======================================
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: ========= Stage: Post-update ==========
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: =======================================
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: == End Update Script ==
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: == Begin Update Script ==
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: =======================================
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: =============== UPDATE ================
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: =======================================
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: =========== Stage: Success ============
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: =======================================
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: Removing backup
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: Successfully installed Umbrel 0.5.0
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: == End Update Script ==
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: Deleting cloned repository
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel external storage updater[1478]: Removing lock
Sep 30 00:36:30 umbrel systemd[1]: Started External Storage SDcard Updater.

Karen logs

karen is running in /home/umbrel/umbrel/events
karen is running in /home/umbrel/umbrel/events
Got signal:
karen is getting triggered!
./karen: line 68: /home/umbrel/umbrel/events/triggers/: Is a directory
Got signal:
karen is getting triggered!
./karen: line 68: /home/umbrel/umbrel/events/triggers/: Is a directory
Got signal: backup
karen is getting triggered!
Deriving keys…
cat: /home/umbrel/umbrel/db/umbrel-seed/seed: No such file or directory
Missing derivation parameter, this is unsafe, exiting.
Got signal: backup
karen is getting triggered!
Deriving keys…
cat: /home/umbrel/umbrel/db/umbrel-seed/seed: No such file or directory
Missing derivation parameter, this is unsafe, exiting.
Got signal: backup
karen is getting triggered!
Deriving keys…
cat: /home/umbrel/umbrel/db/umbrel-seed/seed: No such file or directory
Missing derivation parameter, this is unsafe, exiting.
karen is running in /home/umbrel/umbrel/events
Got signal:
karen is getting triggered!
Got signal:
karen is getting triggered!
./karen: line 68: /home/umbrel/umbrel/events/triggers/: Is a directory
./karen: line 68: /home/umbrel/umbrel/events/triggers/: Is a directory
3756 ? S 0:00 bash ./karen
3766 ? S 0:00 bash ./karen
karen is already running
karen is running in /home/umbrel/umbrel/events
Got signal:
karen is getting triggered!
Got signal:
karen is getting triggered!
./karen: line 68: /home/umbrel/umbrel/events/triggers/: Is a directory
./karen: line 68: /home/umbrel/umbrel/events/triggers/: Is a directory
karen is running in /home/umbrel/umbrel/events
Got signal:
karen is getting triggered!
./karen: line 68: /home/umbrel/umbrel/events/triggers/: Is a directory
Got signal:
karen is getting triggered!
./karen: line 68: /home/umbrel/umbrel/events/triggers/: Is a directory
2567 ? S 0:00 bash ./karen
2613 ? S 0:00 bash ./karen
karen is already running

Docker containers

middleware Up 6 minutes
neutrino-switcher Up 6 minutes
bitcoin Up 6 minutes
nginx Up 6 minutes
lnd Restarting (1) 7 seconds ago
manager Up 6 minutes
dashboard Up 6 minutes
umbrel_tor_server_1 Up 6 minutes
tor Up 6 minutes
electrs Up 6 minutes

Umbrel logs

Attaching to middleware, manager
manager | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:38:01 GMT] “GET /ping HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
manager |
manager | umbrel-manager
manager | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:38:01 GMT] “GET /v1/account/registered HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
manager |
manager | umbrel-manager
manager | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:38:59 GMT] “GET /v1/system/update-status HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
manager |
manager | umbrel-manager
manager | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:40:04 GMT] “GET /v1/system/update-status HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
manager |
manager | umbrel-manager
manager | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:41:03 GMT] “GET /v1/system/update-status HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
manager |
manager | umbrel-manager
manager | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:41:51 GMT] “GET /v1/system/update-status HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
manager |
manager | umbrel-manager
manager | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:41:53 GMT] “GET /ping HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
manager |
manager | umbrel-manager
manager | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:41:53 GMT] “GET /v1/account/registered HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
manager |
manager | umbrel-manager
manager | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:42:03 GMT] “GET /v1/system/update-status HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
manager |
manager | umbrel-manager
manager | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:42:52 GMT] “GET /v1/system/update-status HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
manager |
manager | umbrel-manager
middleware | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:41:48 GMT] “GET /v1/lnd/info/status HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
middleware |
middleware | umbrel-middleware
middleware | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:41:51 GMT] “GET /v1/lnd/info/status HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
middleware |
middleware | umbrel-middleware
middleware | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:41:53 GMT] “GET /ping HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
middleware |
middleware | umbrel-middleware
middleware | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:42:13 GMT] “GET /v1/lnd/info/status HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
middleware |
middleware | umbrel-middleware
middleware | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:42:33 GMT] “GET /v1/lnd/info/status HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
middleware |
middleware | umbrel-middleware
middleware | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!
middleware | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:42:43 GMT] “GET /v1/lnd/info/status HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
middleware |
middleware | umbrel-middleware
middleware | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:42:46 GMT] “GET /v1/lnd/info/status HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
middleware |
middleware | umbrel-middleware
middleware | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:42:50 GMT] “GET /v1/lnd/info/status HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
middleware |
middleware | umbrel-middleware
middleware | ::ffff: - - [Fri, 30 Sep 2022 00:42:54 GMT] “GET /v1/lnd/info/status HTTP/1.0” 304 - “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”
middleware |
middleware | umbrel-middleware
middleware | LndUnlocker: Wallet failed to unlock!

Bitcoin Core logs

Attaching to bitcoin
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:46Z Loading addresses from DNS seed
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:46Z Waiting 300 seconds before querying DNS seeds.
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:47Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000008dff7b0e0ebfb56d7e4bc69a869dc0057d761021e3a3b height=615844 version=0x3fffe000 log2_work=91.626783 tx=499497321 date=‘2020-02-03T19:20:45Z’ progress=0.667622 cache=171.0MiB(1263719txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:48Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000001f579ebb2d2bf786d8df14c1f38130a74ce13b74214e3 height=615845 version=0x20400000 log2_work=91.626808 tx=499498698 date=‘2020-02-03T19:25:41Z’ progress=0.667624 cache=171.8MiB(1270281txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:48Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000010be6c90baea43701455864edde504924b9e6f9a5cb621 height=615846 version=0x20c00000 log2_work=91.626833 tx=499499541 date=‘2020-02-03T19:28:15Z’ progress=0.667625 cache=172.7MiB(1277823txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:49Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000000106afe5a214c0e75655b56c0f2ece3c8799236ee6f24a9 height=615847 version=0x20400000 log2_work=91.626858 tx=499502526 date=‘2020-02-03T20:02:41Z’ progress=0.667629 cache=173.3MiB(1282531txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:49Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000000a8e070e486dca8098b1f33445f6d27ad6500e95c0699b height=615848 version=0x20000000 log2_work=91.626883 tx=499505996 date=‘2020-02-03T20:10:37Z’ progress=0.667633 cache=173.8MiB(1286730txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:50Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000004bd226c614c5f0b5e2a73a628f1e6c9299e24d474e3b8 height=615849 version=0x20000000 log2_work=91.626908 tx=499509056 date=‘2020-02-03T20:38:09Z’ progress=0.667638 cache=174.4MiB(1291340txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:50Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000000082592a4e47c08c5f33af242243442415b4a9577832ef4 height=615850 version=0x20400000 log2_work=91.626933 tx=499512362 date=‘2020-02-03T20:38:42Z’ progress=0.667642 cache=174.9MiB(1295654txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:51Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000000922dbcc3cf7ad7f43d34cd2f36afe018208ff099e6a3f height=615851 version=0x20000000 log2_work=91.626958 tx=499514287 date=‘2020-02-03T20:43:00Z’ progress=0.667645 cache=175.1MiB(1297204txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:52Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000000f745a52ca8731cc4feed83f0aab29bc4b908488fd479d height=615852 version=0x20800000 log2_work=91.626984 tx=499517562 date=‘2020-02-03T21:07:21Z’ progress=0.667649 cache=175.6MiB(1301434txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:53Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000000dc9442caa68fb560c4e028e534781530cb8556903a597 height=615853 version=0x20000000 log2_work=91.627009 tx=499520537 date=‘2020-02-03T21:12:21Z’ progress=0.667653 cache=176.0MiB(1304535txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:53Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000000082513edb4e0473db597cad8ee315e538aad2c6843b420 height=615854 version=0x20000000 log2_work=91.627034 tx=499523630 date=‘2020-02-03T21:21:53Z’ progress=0.667657 cache=176.4MiB(1307359txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:54Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000000b509527caa968ad37936233100d00698c9aa65d0a90e8 height=615855 version=0x20000000 log2_work=91.627059 tx=499526079 date=‘2020-02-03T21:22:50Z’ progress=0.667660 cache=176.7MiB(1309739txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:54Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000002e3df634ad71daa9bc357f6f1f907c74454c90be40568 height=615856 version=0x20f00000 log2_work=91.627084 tx=499528633 date=‘2020-02-03T21:31:40Z’ progress=0.667664 cache=177.0MiB(1312270txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:55Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000005a94b02706343cd3b9ecbe51b86db075370068d3e3274 height=615857 version=0x20000000 log2_work=91.627109 tx=499529950 date=‘2020-02-03T21:33:01Z’ progress=0.667665 cache=177.6MiB(1317515txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:55Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000000581b6deebc2b6992efcf471d2a26cc1ded07f0c7212d3 height=615858 version=0x20000000 log2_work=91.627134 tx=499532332 date=‘2020-02-03T21:42:46Z’ progress=0.667669 cache=178.1MiB(1321453txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:57Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000000113789b0509dab7944805c20060e354c37a60964bdc55 height=615859 version=0x3fffc000 log2_work=91.627159 tx=499535288 date=‘2020-02-03T22:00:59Z’ progress=0.667673 cache=178.5MiB(1324630txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:57Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000000114b9206d90c39663edf654ef05249d81fa40c44eef243 height=615860 version=0x20000000 log2_work=91.627184 tx=499537067 date=‘2020-02-03T22:03:07Z’ progress=0.667675 cache=179.1MiB(1329846txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:57Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000002313cb4e7e9cedf5f6582a5ba4f748bd17c8bccde1874 height=615861 version=0x20400000 log2_work=91.627209 tx=499539581 date=‘2020-02-03T22:12:31Z’ progress=0.667678 cache=179.6MiB(1333971txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:58Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000005caef3db2861070b9d8e38cac676f8e68f31e741e426e height=615862 version=0x20000000 log2_work=91.627234 tx=499543175 date=‘2020-02-03T22:31:37Z’ progress=0.667683 cache=180.2MiB(1338529txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:58Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000005b5a4fa45a44db5e352cae68eb9a3cd6938245b8a3a4a height=615863 version=0x20000000 log2_work=91.627259 tx=499544917 date=‘2020-02-03T22:35:39Z’ progress=0.667685 cache=180.9MiB(1344563txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:59Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000000816128c2aea1c48cf4e9c0964488e3900feb36741b2d2 height=615864 version=0x20800000 log2_work=91.627284 tx=499547661 date=‘2020-02-03T22:50:18Z’ progress=0.667689 cache=181.0MiB(1345402txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:42:59Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000000002c839d025ca9866f0231bda5795d81507f6d1165b5cf height=615865 version=0x20800000 log2_work=91.627309 tx=499548449 date=‘2020-02-03T22:50:42Z’ progress=0.667690 cache=181.7MiB(1351165txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:43:01Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000000db9d663c354e42bb5e58f303bf72fbac6917256af01d0 height=615866 version=0x3fffe000 log2_work=91.627334 tx=499551260 date=‘2020-02-03T23:26:17Z’ progress=0.667694 cache=182.2MiB(1355046txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:43:01Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000001234e2492e311e14e0f316a92830f582484270e53afe7 height=615867 version=0x20c00000 log2_work=91.627359 tx=499554868 date=‘2020-02-03T23:28:08Z’ progress=0.667699 cache=182.7MiB(1359303txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:43:02Z UpdateTip: new best=0000000000000000000a44ca938f65307cbf562c4fe010faa0c059e7ba555e51 height=615868 version=0x20800000 log2_work=91.627385 tx=499557368 date=‘2020-02-03T23:31:08Z’ progress=0.667702 cache=183.0MiB(1361674txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:43:02Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000008cc2f9ca981797b60ffeb79b6b95be36a0f1297ff5334 height=615869 version=0x3fffe000 log2_work=91.627410 tx=499560900 date=‘2020-02-03T23:56:08Z’ progress=0.667707 cache=183.5MiB(1365967txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:43:03Z UpdateTip: new best=000000000000000000074b6f6aaef4edc31be7abdfbeb62f6da0abc31a3604fd height=615870 version=0x2fffe000 log2_work=91.627435 tx=499563560 date=‘2020-02-04T00:07:28Z’ progress=0.667710 cache=183.7MiB(1367268txo)
bitcoin | 2022-09-30T00:43:03Z UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000005952c3032fee94fd5ae4fd073e2089708e225c054e63c height=615871 version=0x20000000 log2_work=91.627460 tx=499566813 date=‘2020-02-04T00:22:28Z’ progress=0.667715 cache=184.1MiB(1371106txo)

LND logs

Attaching to lnd
lnd |
lnd | error creating wallet config: unable to initialize neutrino backend: unable to create neutrino light client: EOF
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:41:52.630 [INF] LTND: Version: 0.14.2-beta commit=v0.14.2-beta, build=production, logging=default, debuglevel=info
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:41:52.630 [INF] LTND: Active chain: Bitcoin (network=mainnet)
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:41:52.633 [INF] RPCS: RPC server listening on
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:41:52.636 [INF] RPCS: gRPC proxy started at
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:41:52.642 [INF] LTND: Opening the main database, this might take a few minutes…
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:41:52.642 [INF] LTND: Opening bbolt database, sync_freelist=false, auto_compact=false
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:41:52.644 [INF] LTND: Creating local graph and channel state DB instances
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:41:52.705 [INF] CHDB: Checking for schema update: latest_version=24, db_version=24
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:41:52.705 [INF] LTND: Database(s) now open (time_to_open=62.599966ms)!
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:41:52.767 [ERR] LTND: unable to initialize neutrino backend: unable to create neutrino light client: EOF
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:41:52.767 [ERR] LTND: Shutting down because error in main method: error creating wallet config: unable to initialize neutrino backend: unable to create neutrino light client: EOF
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:41:52.772 [INF] LTND: Shutdown complete
lnd |
lnd | error creating wallet config: unable to initialize neutrino backend: unable to create neutrino light client: EOF
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:42:54.233 [INF] LTND: Version: 0.14.2-beta commit=v0.14.2-beta, build=production, logging=default, debuglevel=info
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:42:54.234 [INF] LTND: Active chain: Bitcoin (network=mainnet)
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:42:54.236 [INF] RPCS: RPC server listening on
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:42:54.239 [INF] RPCS: gRPC proxy started at
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:42:54.240 [INF] LTND: Opening the main database, this might take a few minutes…
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:42:54.240 [INF] LTND: Opening bbolt database, sync_freelist=false, auto_compact=false
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:42:54.241 [INF] LTND: Creating local graph and channel state DB instances
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:42:54.255 [INF] CHDB: Checking for schema update: latest_version=24, db_version=24
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:42:54.255 [INF] LTND: Database(s) now open (time_to_open=14.978268ms)!
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:42:54.343 [ERR] LTND: unable to initialize neutrino backend: unable to create neutrino light client: EOF
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:42:54.343 [ERR] LTND: Shutting down because error in main method: error creating wallet config: unable to initialize neutrino backend: unable to create neutrino light client: EOF
lnd | 2022-09-30 00:42:54.346 [INF] LTND: Shutdown complete
lnd |
lnd | error creating wallet config: unable to initialize neutrino backend: unable to create neutrino light client: EOF

electrs logs

Attaching to electrs
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:17.101Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140485 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:18.417Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140484 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:19.713Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140481 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:20.889Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140478 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:23.937Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140474 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:26.161Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140471 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:28.038Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140469 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:30.045Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140466 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:31.709Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140465 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:33.603Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140462 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:35.133Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140459 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:36.137Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140457 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:37.142Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140457 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:40.329Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140451 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:43.324Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140447 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:45.071Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140444 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:46.075Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140442 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:48.858Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140439 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:50.357Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140436 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:51.360Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140434 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:53.098Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140432 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:55.759Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140427 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:57.974Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140424 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:42:59.909Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140420 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:43:00.916Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140420 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:43:03.876Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140414 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:43:04.881Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140414 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:43:06.139Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140412 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:43:08.439Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140407 blocks to download (IBD)
electrs | [2022-09-30T00:43:09.442Z INFO electrs::daemon] waiting for 140407 blocks to download (IBD)

Tor logs

Attaching to umbrel_tor_server_1, tor
tor_server_1 | Sep 30 00:38:29.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 67% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors
tor_server_1 | Sep 30 00:38:29.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 73% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors
tor_server_1 | Sep 30 00:38:35.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 75% (enough_dirinfo): Loaded enough directory info to build circuits
tor_server_1 | Sep 30 00:38:35.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 80% (ap_conn): Connecting to a relay to build circuits
tor_server_1 | Sep 30 00:38:35.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 85% (ap_conn_done): Connected to a relay to build circuits
tor_server_1 | Sep 30 00:38:38.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 89% (ap_handshake): Finishing handshake with a relay to build circuits
tor_server_1 | Sep 30 00:38:38.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 90% (ap_handshake_done): Handshake finished with a relay to build circuits
tor_server_1 | Sep 30 00:38:38.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 95% (circuit_create): Establishing a Tor circuit
tor_server_1 | Sep 30 00:38:40.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 100% (done): Done
tor_server_1 | Sep 30 00:39:03.000 [notice] Your network connection speed appears to have changed. Resetting timeout to 60000ms after 18 timeouts and 104 buildtimes.
tor | Sep 30 00:36:29.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 56% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors
tor | Sep 30 00:36:29.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 63% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors
tor | Sep 30 00:37:35.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 68% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors
tor | Sep 30 00:37:35.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 75% (enough_dirinfo): Loaded enough directory info to build circuits
tor | Sep 30 00:37:35.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 80% (ap_conn): Connecting to a relay to build circuits
tor | Sep 30 00:37:36.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 85% (ap_conn_done): Connected to a relay to build circuits
tor | Sep 30 00:37:39.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 89% (ap_handshake): Finishing handshake with a relay to build circuits
tor | Sep 30 00:37:40.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 90% (ap_handshake_done): Handshake finished with a relay to build circuits
tor | Sep 30 00:37:40.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 95% (circuit_create): Establishing a Tor circuit
tor | Sep 30 00:37:56.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 100% (done): Done

==== Result ====

The debug script did not automatically detect any issues with your Umbrel.
Connection to umbrel.local closed.
macmayer1@Mackenzies-MacBook-Pro ~ %

Hey! Thanks for everyone’s help. However my umbrel screen still doesn’t progress from the loading button flashing. I am not sure where to go from here.

Hey @macmayer1!
Have you been able to log in to your Umbrel Dashboard?
Or you have never been able to get past http://umbrel.local/start?

Here we can see that your Umbrel version does not match your Flashed OS version, It shouldn’t be the case, if the Flashed OS version is newer than the Umbrel version, the Umbrel version should be updated.
That’s why the mSD card update service failed:

If you don’t have any important data on your SSD, I’d suggest starting fresh,
You can connect to your Umbrel via ssh using:
ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local
Then remove the .umbrel file so that the SSD won’t be detected in your Umbrel installation and will get reformatted properly.
sudo rm /home/umbrel/umbrel/.umbrel
Now you can shutdown your Raspberry using:
sudo shutdown -h now
Finally, re-flash your mSD card with the latest version of UmbrelOS, put your mSD card back in, and boot your Raspberry!
Tell us how it went! :v:

Hey I finally connected!
Thank you for all your help!

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