How to update to umbrelOS 1.0

Okay, I’ll go with that for now.

I replied to Josh that it will be written there when it is published by Umbel.

My node runs on 0.54 without any problems.

My test with orangpi5, linux and 0.54 is finished.
It took some work and time. Now it runs, fast and stable.
Umbrel OS is so far only a test for me on the PI5 and will remain so for the time being.
There it runs, for me, without problems from the first minute.

What the team does internally is their business and none of my concern.

If you had not set up MFA under step 3, how did you get into your dashboard? Does it let you skip MFA?

Can you already tell us when the update for Debian/Ubuntu will be available, please?


During April, gotta wait a few more days i guess

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Updated from 0.54 to 1.1 with no issus whatsoever. Raspberry Pi 4. :metal:

@lukechilds , I’ve also been struggling with a WD NVMe drive to run a bitcoin node. Can you please let me know how to get on board so I can get this up and running? It’s just not feasible to run a node off of a 64G MicroSD card. I just discovered Umbrel last week and would really, really like to get this thing online.


Are you using an nvme hat?

Sd card has the OS on it and the hard drive has everything else. You don’t necessarily need 64GB it will work with 16 GB. All that matters is that there’s enough space on the SSD and has enough ram.


If you want to use Umbrel to run a Bitcoin node, don’t.

Look for other solutions that can offer you security and resilience.
After all, we’re not dealing with any hobbyist applications or administrative work. We’re talking about your finances.
Security because you deserve your data to be encrypted.
Resilience because you don’t want to lose all your data due to a problem with your hard disk.
Unless version 0.5.4 continues to be maintained, I will give up on Umbrel and I advise everyone to do the same.
For the sake of your money.


what security are you worried about? bitcoin node does not go through tor?

Data disk security:
Are you aware of what to do if your hard disk breaks down?
Are you aware if your node is stolen or taken by unknown agents?
Would you put your money in a bank that doesn’t offer secure conditions?
Is your money a joke to be used on a hardware rack that’s just all fancy and visually appealing?
Well, that’s what Umbrel has offered us in this update for Linux.
Good luck. You’re definitely going to need it.

Thanks for the instructions on updating to umbrelOS 1.0 for Linux. My setup is slightly different than the example in the instructions so I am hoping to get some clarification.

  1. I am running my umbrel node on an external drive and it is taking up ~770gb of drive space. If I want to install 1.0 on this external drive I am assuming I would have to export the existing data to another external drive. Is that correct?
  2. I am assuming that the export of the existing umbrel OS is going to include the blockchain. Is that correct?
  3. Can I use my existing external drive as the export, not perform the export step, and install the new OS on my internal hard drive? If that is possible, can I migrate only the apps from my external drive to the new OS after installation without bringing over the blackchain as my internal drive is not large enough to store the blockchain?

Thanks again for any assistance you can provide.


after upgrade directly flashing SD card with 1.1, the Umbrel does not start UI at all after first reboot.
But all the apps are running well.

I described it more thoroughly in post here on forum.

Just searching for someone having the same experience cos it’s weird behavior and unlike most problems experienced by others.

So, April has passed (at least here, maybe some remote timezone is still not in May) but I fail to find the Upgrade-umbrel-0.5.4-on-Linux instructions anywhere.

Am I just searching wrongly?
Or are the instructions late?


I have a question since I have a bit of a special case. I installed Umbrel 0.5.4 on a Raspberry Pi 5 with Raspberry Pi OS Lite through the standard Linux installation procedure, since there was no UmbrelOS distribution for the Pi 5 at the time. I’ve been running the node for a few months now with barely any issues.
Can you import the previously exported Umbrel data on the RPi distribution of UmbrelOS 1.1 or does it only work on the x86 Linux version?

Ah yes, the auto-import on boot only works on the x86 umbrelOS version :frowning:

I’m a beginner, could you ask me a question? I have OrangePi3 + Ubuntu + Umbrel OS v5. With the new 1.0 update and new architecture for x86, does this mean that now I can no longer use Umbrel, since version 1.0 no longer supports ARM processors? =(

@Tiagobp, unfortunately that’s correct. :pensive:

Can you add/port the import feature to the RPi version for users like me? I’m sure there’s a lot of people that got their Pi 5 around christmas and settled for Umbrel in a similar way until there was a native version.