How to update to umbrelOS 1.0

Then I hope that the 0.54 will be supported for even longer.

For me, the Orangepi5 has a hardware advantage over the Raspi4 and also the Raspi5.

I understand that your UmbrelHome has to be sold, but if I can no longer use my fully functional and “good” hardware for it, I come to the conclusion that other big companies feel the same way.

Spending €400 on the new one, only to find that not everything runs smoothly there either, seems very risky to me.

I test whether BitcoinNode, LightningNode and Electrs run on the Linux distribution provided by Orangepi, then it has to work that way, then it has to work that way when 0.54 is outdated in the near future.

Ah I’m sorry you feel that way. For more context, the main reason we ditched arm support for all devices except the Raspberry Pi 4 and Pi 5 is because unlike x86, arm OS images need to developed, tested and built individually for every single platform (and on every single umbrelOS update). So we decided to support the Raspberry Pi 4 platform as the only support arm platform since it’s the most popular one, and considering that we only have limited bandwidth.

Thanks for the link.
I seem to be unable to post comments and questions there, so here seems to be as good a spot as any.

I run unbrel on an x64 SBC (rockpi-x) with a 1TB iscsi volume residing on my NAS as the installation directory. This gives me a good data safety with still excellent performance and no noticable issues.

From the instructions I understand that the “standard” installation method is no longer available to me, and I could at best go the “VM” route, is this understanding correct?

Does the new version work on the raspberry 5 with nvme base now? I haven’t tried for a while after my efforts to work around it not working were exhausted.

When updating and moving from pi4 to x86 laptop will the BTC blockchain have to be downloaded again or can it be migrated to the new ssd

I updated today from 0.5.4 to 1.0 (and automagically to 1.2.2).
I used a new microSD card, everything went fine, except that umbrel.local did not work anymore so I used the IP address.
Thanks to all !!

You can setup a custom local domain name using apps like pi-hole