So now that umbrel 1.1 is out, I’ve decided to upgrade my btc node. It has not worked that smoothly since I originally set it up (maybe 5-6 times), as it crashes at least 1x per day. I’ve been nursing my node with constant reboots and hard reboots (button on pi5).
I’ve copied piOS to my SSD (Scandisk extreme 2TB, USB3 port), and have tried rebooting with the flashed (Belena Etcher) microSD.
The PiOS desktop now has 3 drive icons (BOOT-A, CONFIG, and system-a). I’m not sure how to interact with these to install umbrel.
I’ve also tried (what I did successfully for umbrel 0.5.4) using curl -L | bash, but I get a message saying that 1.1 no longer supports this method of install.
Can anybody shed some light on this for me? I only have a fairly basic understanding of this stuff, but would really like to get my node back up and running before I have to leave home for work in a couple of days.
Disclaimer: I’m not a tech guy, but I might be able to help.
You can try following my directions at the link below. I think what you’ll need to do is to wipe your SSD and flash Umbrel directly to the drive, boot off of an mSD with PiOS and the changes outlined in the links, then reboot without the mSD (remove it from the slot) and install Umbrel directly from the SSD via the IP address. Yes, that means you’ll have to resync the node, but it should work
Please proceed with the understanding that you’ll lose your current data and configuration, and it might not work for you. But it seems worth a shot…
Upon reading the link, I realize that I did read that, and realized that my SSD isn’t NVMe (at leasst I’m pretty sure it’s not), so figured I might be wasting time following that guide…
My main issue (and I had it when installing umbrel 0.5.4) was that my SSD wasn’t getting recognized/written to when downloading BTC core. So I copied the SD to the SSD (in piOS) and booted from there. I was then able to use CURL to install from piOS.
Now, without the CURL option, I’m feeling kinda boned, as I’ve updated my piOS and then copied to SSD. I realize that I’ve overwritten my SSD and need to re download btc core, which isn’t a biggie to me. I just don’t get how to get Umbrel installed, when my flashed microSD (1.1) only shows up as the 3 files (BOOT-A, CONFIG, and system-a) on my piOS desktop. I just don’t know if I can somehow execute these files to get it to install:/
It seems strange to me that install has become more difficult with the 1.x release(s). The instructions on the umbrel page seem to not consider this situation somehow.
The first thing you need to do is for the SSD to recognize. If you follow the steps in that guide, just select the USB drive, instead of an NVMe drive. Or you can follow this guide here:
The other thing is that you need to flash the Umbrel OS to the USB drive so that the system can repartition as needed. Once your USB drive is recognized, you should be able to run the Umbrel 1.x install from there. But again, it will mean that your SSD will lose the data.
Thank you again for taking the time to respond. I went through this walkthrough, and realize that this is how I’ve already set it up.
My issue is that I’ve got piOS updated, and running fine on my pi5 (with desktop - which is how I’m navigating it) via SSD.
I’ve got the latest umbrel flashed to SD card. I reboot with SD card inserted, and the umbrel files are shown on the desktop as: BOOT-A, CONFIG, and system-a.
My problem is that I don’t know how to ‘run’ these files, or which file to focus on to initiate the umbrel install - if that’s even how it works here. (I’m used to windows)
Does anyone know if I can initiate the umbrel install via the terminal window, or some other mechanism?
I should mention that when I open BOOT-A in the terminal window and search the directory, I do see 8 different start**,elf files. Could one of these initiate the install? Or am I just getting myself into danger territory?
I don’t think you followed the instructions for a headless setup.
Flash PiOS to the mSD card
Flash Umbrel v1.x to the SSD
Connect the SSD to the Pi
Boot into PiOS and make the changes per the instructions (edit the config file, change boot order)
Reboot once to apply changes and confirm you’re running from the SSD
Power down, remove the mSD card
Access the Umbeel setup via IP
You are correct. I’m not running a headless install. Silly of me to assume that wasn’t important (probably has to do with the difficulties I had with the headless setup when I first installed umbrel.
Thank you for setting me straight. Your help is very much appreciated.
I’m unfortunately away at work, so will have to follow your advice when I’m back.