I make fresh umbrel install, i put my 24 words from my raspiblitz, error can’t create umbrel seed.
i try to create a new seed, i see the words, i want to note down later and i have this error message : User already exists and i can’t go any further.
Any idear ? Do i reinstall umbrel on the microsd card ?
i logout and login success, i see my raspi seed in the setting.
i wait the blockchain download and test if there is problem. if doesn’t work properly i will make a full reset.
the blockchain was downloaded successfull. But i dont see my coins.
i make a full reset. When a put ma seed, it say again : can’t create umbrel seed.
i try to create a new seed => user already exist
logout then login, the blochchain is downloading and i see my seed under setting
i have the same issue. my node got messed up during an update. once i realized i would have start fresh, i bought a new ssd. So i have a fresh, brand new ssd, and a newly flashed sd card. I put my seed word in and i get “user already exists”
Short version is that while I was going through the restore process, my browser kept suggesting a password. Even though I didn’t use it, at some stage I was force to hit the “back” arrow in the browser to get through things. Umbrel did not like this, and was causing the error.
I opened the Umbrel service from another machine without the password suggestion, which allowed me to linearly go through the workflow and it worked fine.