Updated to 1.0.3 but Argon V2 driver blocked!

Updated to Umbrel 1.0.3, so far so good. Only driver for Argon V2 case for Pi4 which controls the fun is somehow blocked. It starts on boot but stops after few seconds when Umbrel 1.0.3 boots up and stays silent while temp is rising. Both the driver and the Umbrel are on the same sd card and 1.0.3 messes with sd card partition.

I have tried to uninstal and instal driver again but same thing is happening.

Could anyone help resolve this issue?

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Iā€™m interested in this also. I have a similar issue with the fan is an Argon One V3 case.

Yup shutdown and restart also disabled.

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Unable to find the solution, reverted back to 0.54, now fan, restart and shutdown works again. Will not update untill I see mature solution.

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