Unable to access Umbrel.local

What OS are you using to access your node?
Windows, Mac, Linux ?

Open a terminal on your computer and enter ssh umbrel@umbrel.local , the password is is your personal user password. If it’s a fresh install (i.e. you haven’t set your password yet), or if you re-flashed Umbrel OS, then the default password is moneyprintergobrrr .

From there follow the instructions for changing the IP of the node.

Configure the static IP address for the Pi, the gateway path and a DNS server.
The configuration for the DHCP client (Pi) is located in the /etc/dhcpcd.conf file:

sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf

The following snippet is an example of a sample configuration. Change the value of static routers and static domain_name_servers to the IP of your router (default gateway) from step 1. Be aware of giving the Raspberry Pi an address which is OUTSIDE the range of addresses which are assigned by the DHCP server. You can get this range by looking under the router configurations page and checking for the range of the DHCP addresses. This means, that if the DHCP range goes from to you’re good to go with the IP for your Raspberry Pi.Add the following to the /etc/dhcpcd.conf file:

# Configuration static IP address (CHANGE THE VALUES TO FIT FOR YOUR NETWORK)
interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=

Restart networking system
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

Optional steps: edit hosts file in your computer. Add the following line:
192.168.x.x umbrel.local
Replace “192.168.x.x” with your local IP of your node

For Mac - Tutorial how to edit hosts file
For Windows - Tutorial how to edit hosts file

Restart your computer to take the changes.
Done, from now on if you type in your browser umbrel.local will always go to that IP.
Remember this procedure is to access your node from your home LAN, not from outside of your LAN.
From outside, you should always use the Tor onion address of your node.