I don’t see a specific place to post bug reports, so here goes. I’ve been using 1.4 beta 1 with a couple external drives and have been having some issues with it.
When copying files from one external drive to another external drive the Umbrel becomes nearly unresponsive while the copying is happening. I can’t open any apps, can’t open another tab with an umbrel.local instance, and can’t even open a terminal and get a prompt.
When copying files I frequently get an “Error opening file” that pops up. It still appears that the copy is successful, so I don’t know what the error is.
When use the Files app to copy files from one folder to another using Copy/Paste there is no progress bar for the copies. The files appear immediately in the destination folder, but they aren’t actually completely there yet. There’s no way to no when or if the files are actually done copying.
In all the folders I see hidden folders that start with a . (dot). How can we hide hidden files?