Hi Mikel357,
I have been doing some research - is this the error you are getting?
Hi Mikel357,
I have been doing some research - is this the error you are getting?
Jup that was the one.
Hi Mikel357,
If this is the error you are receiving it only appears if you have an in-compatible external drive.
Please remove the External Drive that is connected to your Raspberry Pi through USB. Whether that be a USB stick, a HDD, or an SSD. You will need to re-format that drive.
Thank you,
But that has my info. I did not backup yet. How can this be, it is a suggested one, not cheap.
Hello Mikel357,
When upgrading Umbrel from any version to 0.5 - it requires a reset of the information in external drives. We are not asking that you buy a new external drive, we are asking that you please unplug it and re-format the drive.
We recommend in the future backing up configurations and drives before performing an upgrade.
Thank you,
Then I lose my funds though?
There is no other option? Strange.
Hello Mikel357,
Could you please attempt to SSH into the Umbrel system and run
cat /mnt/data/umbrel/info.json | grep version
This will give us the old version of Umbrel. From there download the same version of Umbrel OS from: https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel-os/releases and flash it onto your Raspberry Pi.
We would also like it noted that after internal team-communication the steps above aren’t required and the formatting of drive isn’t required either. You can keep your data and Umbrel working without losing it all.
Thank you,
I can’t ssh into my pi. Is there an other way to find the version or do you have an advice with to choose?
Hi Mikel357,
You could connect the external drive to a working Linux machine & run the following to recieve the version
cat /mnt/data/umbrel/info.json | grep version
This will output the version of umbrel of the external drive. This is the only other way for us to get the version.
I can do that. Please don’t close the ticket, this is step one of…
Hey @Mikel357!
It looks like you have mistyped the command
Try using a space between
grep and version
like this :
cat /mnt/data/umbrel/info.json | grep version
furthermore /mnt/data/
should be the path directing to your drive where umbrel’s data are located
Ok I found the version, 04.17. I flashed a brand new ssd with this version and put in rspi. I looked up ip of umbrel in router and tried to ssh. Unfortunately again “port 22: Connection timed out”" reply.
What now?
Hello support, you there?
Whaaaaoaa help!