Umbrel Lightning and OpenVPN

Hi I yesterday tested this tutorial with Umbrel but failed till now

I was able to the find in /umbrel/umbrel/lnd.conf (mentioned in step 7) but there was already a lot of stuff set in Application Options

[Application Options]











so how to override with e.g.

[Application Options]



Second problem was /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz/conf This I havent found on umbrel? Any idea?


sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/lnd.service I was not able to find

In general is someone running something like this?

Hey there, so these are instructions for the RaspiBlitz, which is another self-hosted node system which has a fairly different architecture than Umbrel. Not sure if it’s possible to do what that guide is suggesting on the Umbrel, but check out the section labeled 7B. It’s also likely that some of the changes you make will be removed when umbrel updates to a new version, so be careful with these edits.

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As @jonsyusaid, BE CAREFUL with changes made in your lnd.conf and node in general.
At least make copies and have all steps you’ve done documented in some notepad.

But the question is: what do you want to achieve with these changes, because each aspect have its own solutions more or less complicated or s simple.

  • you want to access your node on SSH from outside your LAN?
  • you want to connect wallets to your node without Tor?
  • you want just that your LN node is also visible on clearnet? For this aspect, only adding your public IP (if you have a static one) externalip= in your lnd.conf is enough.
  • all above?

You could look into using or as solutions to use your node from outside, without Tor.
Here is an example:

Please read the Umbrel troubleshooting manual for more modification needed (and tested)


Thanks for all those replies. My idea was to connect my node to an expressjs app with @radar/lnrpc. There for the node needs to be visible on clearnet I think. The app should then connect to a React frontend.

I don’t have a static IP. Wouldn’t hat be security wise a problem compared to the VPS solution described in the tutorial?

Will have a look into or

Don’t forget also to open the ports needed for that service in ufw and in your router.
Any clearnet access needs a specific port open.

Ok I’m testing with the step mentioned here in 7B.

In 8 I failed with
sudo systemctl restart lnd.service
Failed to restart lnd.service: Unit lnd.service not found.

it seems to be this for umbrel
cd ~/umbrel ; docker-compose restart lnd; docker-compose ps

Ok I went through the whole tutorials, but sadly have made it to run the thing. Actually I don’t really know how to test if its running? I tested just with my expressjs app with a connection to :10009 and a macaroon I created before with thunderhub.

It seems like thunderhub is broken if I set lnd.conf to the other IP like recommended in Step 7B. Im not able to login anymore. If I reset the setting Thunderhub is working again.

Perhaps this guide is going to help you, includes Hybrid mode (Tor and Clearnet) as well as an advanced setting via VPN