Umbrel Home Server RAM usage issue

I recently bought a home server in the black Friday sales. I have been very happy so far. However I do notice one flaw and that is the RAM is limited. The main applications I use in order of high RAM usage to low are 1) System 2) mempool 3) Bitcoin Node 4) Electrs 5) Samourai Server.

Usage is the following: System 3.2GB, mempool 2.2GB, Bitcoin Node 1.4GB, Electrs 1.1GB and Samourai 1.1GB. Out of 16GB, I am using over 10GB. This means I am unable to install the likes of Elements Core.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? Is there a way to make more efficient use of RAM? Are we able to upgrade the RAM in the Home Server?


Spoke to Umbrel support on this who recommended to delete the mempool app, install Elements Core and then re-Install mempool. This has worked. I now have approx 4.8GB of free RAM.

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