Stuck at Starting Umbrel Apps when I tried Remote Tor access

Good day,

I run Umbrel from a mini PC. I am currently stuck at starting on all of my Umbrel Apps.

This started when I toggled ON “Remote Tor access” in the settings of Umbrel.

(To activate “Remote Tor access”, the whole Umbrel restarted. I left my Mini PC, when I returned all my apps are stuck to starting and “Remote Tor access” is still not toggled ON. When clicking toggle, it says error.)

When I viewed logs for troubleshooting, these errors came up:

ERROR: for tor_proxy Cannot start service tor_proxy: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint tor_proxy (223c636b2d6f7450f94a3a7c5271b4425f9d2d1cbcf3a5a869a2c10554dd2e9e): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Got signal:
karen is getting triggered!
Got signal:
karen is getting triggered!
./karen: line 75: /home/salenga/umbrel/events/triggers/: Is a directory
./karen: line 75: /home/salenga/umbrel/events/triggers/: Is a directory
Recreating dashboard … done
Recreating manager … done
nginx is up-to-date

ERROR: for tor_proxy Cannot start service tor_proxy: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint tor_proxy (223c636b2d6f7450f94a3a7c5271b4425f9d2d1cbcf3a5a869a2c10554dd2e9e): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use
Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
Failed to start containers
Skipping status update when not on Umbrel OS
Update failed!
== End Update Script ==

I tried Umbrel Shutdown & Restart and Command prompt:

sudo service docker stop
sudo rm /var/lib/docker/network/files/local-kv.db
sudo service docker start

(The whole Umbrel did not connect, so I reinstalled and updated Umbrel afterwards)

Nothing worked.

When I click on the apps, it says “Unable to connect Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server…” (Firefox) and “Safari can’t open the page because it couldn’t connect to the server” (Safari)

Can anyone help me get un-stuck with ‘Starting’ in my Umbrel apps?

I figured out the problem. It is a corrupted Bitcoin core file I had when the computer accidentally was turned off. I solved the problem by reinstalling my Ubuntu and Umbrel including its apps, e.g. Bitcoin Node, Lightning Node, etc.

Worked like a charm.

Beware of scammers in the Umbrel Telegram community. They lurk in there, search for your technical questions, and then message you directly to offer a solution to your problem. They look legitimate because they post in different Umbrel communities (including in this forum).

Never in any case engage with anyone asking (in any way, shape, or form) for Sats or BTCs. If you are in doubt, just reinstall everything. It might take a whole day, but at least your Sats and BTCs are safe.

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Interesting to hear that was the solution- good stuff.