After some setbacks I have UmbrelOS 1.1.2 running on my old HP desktop computer. I have the Bitcoin Core, the Electrs, LND and Mempool working perfectly. I even installed Snowflake, but…now what?
Don’t get me wrong. I am very satisfied to have a dedicated btc node running but I know I can do much more, but been unable to do so.
- I can’t connect my mobile wallets (Blue Wallet or Green) to my node, nor bitcoin nor lightning; I have been following step-by-step the throughful guides but still no success. One fact that concerns me is that most of those guides were written on 2022 and I think with the UmbrelOS 1.0 release they are mostly outdated.
- With Umbrel 0.5, I was able to update the max memory used for my mempool app. Right now I can’t because I don’t have the user and password to do so and my mempool memory is usually about 297-300mb, so I would like to increase it.
3)My BlueWallet Lightning app can not connect to my bluewallet mobile app even the only step needed is scan the qr code of the umbrel app.
4)I installed the Public Pool app, but even I have tried to add my bitcoin core address, it seems my node has not have any action, even I follow a very comprehensive post about it.
In a nutshell I think UmbrelOS is powerful and flexible, but at least for me, I need some guidance specially with the upgrade from umbrel to UmbrelOS.