I am unable to use the command “Pihole -up” in a ssh environment in Umbrel. In fact, I barely get to enter the Umbrel area, but I struggle to open a docker image from pihole. I cannot log in with proper credentials there, I struggle to use the proper image name, and when I finally seemed to have entered the right docker, it said the update commando was not working within docker. How can I update pihole then? Is somebody willing to put a readable tutorial online? Or is there a way to trigger these updates from the apps menu in Umbrel? Would be very grateful for some leads or help
Same issue here.
I was able to login to the Raspberry Pi with ‘ssh umbrel@myip’ and the Umbrel password… but when running ‘pihole -up’ " I get ‘bash command not found’
Where is pihole running? How can I update it, or add it to my bash to run pihole -up?
It has to work in a docker, they say.
ssh umbrel@umbrel.local
“docker ps”
find name of Pihole docker
“docker exec -it pi-hole_server_1 /bin/bash”
then try sudo pihole -up, but it does not work within the docker… Do you have a clue why?
Yes, I too am getting the “bash command not found” error with both umbrel user and root user creds. Maybe i’m just not running the command from the right directory?
I tried running ‘pihole -up’ in the pihole directories I found. No go for the pihole command.
I am not familiar with docker. How would I access it? I see a comment above that that also did not function.