I checked vor any limitation. umbrel recognize the correct ram size, container too, but in the dashboard this stats looks strange
umbrel@umbrel:~$ free -h
gesamt benutzt frei gemns. Puffer/Cache verfügbar
Speicher: 7,9Gi 3,2Gi 80Mi 153Mi 4,8Gi 4,6Gi
Swap: 0B 0B 0B
umbrel@umbrel:~$ sudo docker stats --no-stream
ea6febb6133f bitcoin_server_1 0.68% 57.55MiB / 7.864GiB 0.71% 75.1MB / 9.89MB 81.4MB / 4.41MB 23
a01e94e88cde bitcoin_tor_1 0.09% 35.52MiB / 7.864GiB 0.44% 16.9MB / 3.21MB 8.11MB / 48MB 1
559165c4c6eb bitcoin_bitcoind_1 101.19% 404.2MiB / 7.864GiB 5.02% 25.5MB / 86.2MB 241GB / 27.3MB 17
12a88d55c6d4 bitcoin_app_proxy_1 0.27% 96.75MiB / 7.864GiB 1.20% 15MB / 16.1MB 50MB / 8.19kB 19
e8dd48ca0f9f bitcoin-tor_server-1 0.01% 36.53MiB / 7.864GiB 0.45% 15.5MB / 2.04MB 4.1MB / 48.1MB 2
1b3f9676cf78 bitcoin_i2pd_daemon_1 0.17% 18.11MiB / 7.864GiB 0.22% 10.7MB / 11.6MB 105MB / 8.29MB 13
4a608eb97eb4 btcpay-server_web_1 0.06% 419.1MiB / 7.864GiB 5.20% 19.5MB / 1.03MB 612MB / 0B 23
7fd40c04c207 btcpay-server_nbxplorer_1 0.01% 113.8MiB / 7.864GiB 1.41% 860kB / 688kB 338MB / 4.1kB 21
umbrel@umbrel:~$ uname -m
umbrel@umbrel:~$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal
MemTotal: 8245616 kB
So is this normal?
I’m not quite sure what you’re actually asking, but let’s see if this clarifies things a bit.
Your RAM usage is directly related to the amount of apps installed and running on your device. Simply put, the more apps you have running and depending on what they’re doing, the more RAM you’ll be consuming. For example, if your bitcoin node is just downloading and syncing the blockchain, you’ll notice that it has a bigger impact on your CPU and RAM than when it’s already downloaded and synced the entire blockchain.
Back to your question and based solely on the info you’ve provided. YES, that could be normal. Of course, depending on what I’ve told you above because there’s no more data on your context.
Thanks for the detailed response.
I’m asking because my node is resyncing the complete blockchain and I wonder why it doesn’t go over 4GB RAM. I looks like it hits a wall.
From what you say, it seems like you have the wrong idea of how things work and to me that’s a sign that you don’t know what you’re trying to do.
Making a comparison. You have a car that can reach 200 km/hour and when you take it out on the highway, you see that the car doesn’t reach that speed… unless you tell the car to by stepping on the accelerator to the floor.
The same thing happens here. Programs use the ram they need to operate without exceeding those limits even if there is ram available… unless you tell them they can use more. This has its reason for being because if you do this, without knowing what you’re doing, you can leave the rest of the applications and the system running on your device without ram. You can imagine what will happen if it runs out of resources.
From what I understand, you want bitcoin core to sync faster and use more available ram… Again, that’s what I think I understand because you don’t say it openly and directly either, and to me it’s another sign that you don’t know what you’re trying to do.
Anyway, if this is what you’re looking for, you can do it by going to bitcoin-core»3 points»Advanced Settings»Optimization»Cache Size and change the default value (450) to a higher one. If you have 8Gb of ram, I would set it to 1800.
You can even try little by little and see what happens. Going from 450 to 900. Everything is fine and without problems?.. from 900 to 1350. Everything is fine and without problems?.. from 1350 to 1800.
Just remember the warning shown right there:
“…A larger cache can speed up the initial synchronization of your Bitcoin node, but after the initial sync is complete, a larger cache value does not significantly improve performance and may use more RAM than needed…”
So it’s simple. Once synced you go through the process again and leave it as it was by default.
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I just wanna be sure that there is no software limit for using the RAM. Your answer helped me a lot
Here are some more investigations I found: DB Cache Size - improve description · Issue #69 · jlopp/bitcoin-core-config-generator · GitHub