I’ve been using Umbrel for years on a Raspberry Pi 4 with few issues and when I’ve had issues, this forum has been extremely helpful even though a lot of the information is outdated.
Over the years I’ve been pleased with the OS, the support, and the direction it’s been going. With my usual Bitcoin evangelism, which includes running a node, I suggested novice users looking for an intuitive system follow the hardware list for the RPi and build their own.
But ever since the developer’s push into expanding the product to the Home things have been getting buggier and buggier. I get it, the various RPi setups can be finicky with items such as the microS card, the SSD used or even the power adaptor can cause problems. So it makes sense to “standardize” the hardware with a product such as the Home. Plus, all this work isn’t free, your team deserves to turn it into a product that can put some food on the table.
In the past, I’d usually swap out the microSD card with a new one flashed with a fresh version of the OS and things would be good for awhile.
My node has been having various issues over the past few months. The device is running v1.3 which was updated through the GUI and like others here on the forum and on X, I’m having problems with it similar to what several other users have described here: Bitcoin Node Not Starting AGAIN
Usually a restart via logging into the GUI fixes everything but now it’s getting to the point where the Bitcoin node doesn’t start or sync, therefore the other Bitcoin-related components such as the Lightning node do not work. I’m unable to remove apps, even though the option to right click and remove them is there, the command simply does nothing. I’ve had other issues before the update to 1.3 the Bitcoin Node had synced completely and my lightning channels were operational yet Bluewallet and Sparrow refused to connect to my node. Both had previously worked flawlessly.
All these issues to me are an indication it’s time to reflash the microSD card again which in the past did the trick.
Except when I go to the Umbrel website (https://umbrel.com/), there are a lot of cool graphics showing what the Home product and the OS can do but no link to download the OS. It’s genuinely a slick website. But uh, hello. Isn’t this supposed to be an OS that’s user-friendly, especially to beginners? If someone purchases a Home, sure, that’s easy, they just buy it off your website, plug it in, and get started. But ya’ll are still marketing the OS as something that can be installed on other systems that aren’t the Home. Yet the website fails to be user-friendly towards this market now.
I’m not the only one to point out issues with the website:
So, I decided to try the Github page which is IIRC where the now removed or hidden download links on the Umbrel website linked to in the past.
When I go there, I get the impression that the Rpi4 is not actually supported or no longer supported with recent versions of the Umbrel OS or whatever you’re calling it these days.
Here’s why:
On the page, it says the umbrel rep can be installed on an RPi, but it doesn’t specify which model.
The umbrel-os rep, per the text is specifically for the RPi4 only but it’s archived and hasn’t been updated in some time.
Okay fine, so when I go into the umbrel rep all the language there mentions the Rpi 5 specifically. There is no mention of the RPi4.
This is utterly confusing and utterly strange when your team has been so user friendly and communicative in the past.
So which version do I download? I get the impression that if I download the RPi5 version, it won’t work, and ultimately I fear I might mess up the SSD causing even more problems.
I ultimately think I need to download the RPi4 version but it hasn’t been updated in some time, while my RPi running Umbrel has received updates all the way to 1.3. What gives? Given the luck I’ve had here and the frustrations with all that’s mentioned above, I fear doing that will screw up the SSD too.
In closing, I echo the concerns and comments and concerns from others.
Thank you