Migrate from Core to Knots

I would like to run Bitcoin Knots in place of Bitcoin Core on Umbrel v1.3

Considering my node does not have the storage space to download a second copy of the blockchain, I’m guessing I will need to uninstall CORE, loose the chain data , then install Knots and resync.

Some questions:

Is this the recommended procedure?
Am I likely to run into issues uninstalling CORE when apps are dependant on it?
Any way to avoid resync by transferring data from CORE to Knots?

Bit the bullet.

Still interested to hear if there was a way to copy over blockchain data.

Steps to migrate to Knots from Core on v1.3+:

  • Install Bitcoin Knots
    • Don’t worry about disk space you will be removing Core
  • Right click on Bitcoin Core and click Uninstall
    • This will show any apps that are assigned to Core, blocking uninstall from progressing
  • Right click all apps assigned to Core , hit settings and change assigned node from Core to Knots
  • Right click on Bitcoin Core and click Uninstall
    • All chain data will be erased freeing up space for Knots
  • Wait for Knots to sync
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How did this turn out? It seems like the right answer to me.

Knots is syncing the entire chain on a Rpi5, prob another 24 / 48 hours to go

Hi, can you share why are you choosing to migrate?
I’m thinking on getting a better machine so I can start using self hosted Lightning and maybe I should use Knots too.

if you want to use DATUM on something like OCEAN Pool, it uses knots. Unsure of else.

terminal can be found in the GUI - Settings > Advanced > Terminal


I am not sure exactly what needs to be copied,there are some index files that mess things up,I have found

cant vouch for your system, of course. but this is where it was for me. It still takes a while and depends on your disk speed. I have a HDD, so I just gave up and let it sync.

your post was the best guide I found. Thank you for the follow-up!

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This is the main reason. I also have another node running CORE so I figured it would be interesting/useful to have both.

My Knots install is all synced up now and everything looks to be running as expected.