Install umbrel on SSD (m.2 drive) and boot from there?

I brought the Argon ONE m.2 case with Raspberry PI 4 and installed the SSD m.2 drive on it. Does anyone have a guide on how i can install umbrel directly on the SSD? I can boot it from microSD card but can i close that to my SSD?
or can i just install umbrel directly on the SSD and boot from it?

If the instructions for installing Umbrel are to flash the mSD card with the OS, why are you trying to do it in another way?
As it is designed, Umbrel will keep OS on the mSD so you can re-flash it easily anytime is needed, meanwhile is keeping user and node data on the SSD (that is supposedly not to touch it).

If you want to have Umbrel on a drive (SSD or HHD), then drop the RPi and use a damn NUC or desktop PC with a Linux Debian.

Here you have a getting started guide for Umbrel

thanks for your kind response.

Hello oneconfirmation
I brought the same case, can you give me a hint how you install the m.2 drive and which one
thank you very much

Here is a video with instructions to install. Please be advised you must make sure the drive you buy is SATA. NVME will not work.

thank you, and yes i get the sata to day my mistake was buy a NVME ;-(
thank you for teh video

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Also, you should consider installing the argon fan software as the fan at 100% is quite loud. Let me know if you need any assistance.

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@oneconfirmation were you able to figure out how to set it up? I have the same setup with my Argon OME M.2 case right now and I have having issues after flashing the UmbrelOS into a microSD card.

There was a warning from Argon saying that you should NOT be inserting the microSD card into the Raspberry Pi.

@focus do you have the link to the step-by-step instruction guide? The YouTube video seems more like a product review than an installation guide on how to flash/partition the OS into the M2.5 SSD.

Hi focus, just read your message here though it is from a few years ago. You. may be able to help me.
I have the Argon One V3 case running Umbrel on the Micro SD Card. I have been trying to work out how the fan works. It is running continually. Do you know how to setup some way of controlling this?