1.- Connect to umbrel via SSH using the terminal, either the internal umbrel one or the one you usually use.
2.- Once connected, type “sudo nmtui”. This will show you a text user interface for NetworkManager, which will allow you to configure the static IP.
Notice to newbies: From here on, be careful because we will only use the keyboard to navigate during the process. Specifically, arrow keys to navigate and “Enter”, mainly.
3.- Select “Edit a connection” and “Enter”.
4.- The interface that we are interested in changing, in this example, is in the “Ethernet” section and where a connection named “enp0s3” appears. On your systems it may be called differently, for example “Wired connection” or something else, but it will be in the “Ethernet” section. We select and click “Enter”
5.- Here we start to configure “Only” and only what is detailed below.
IP CONFIGURATION, “Enter”, select “Manual”
Addresses: Enter the “fixed-IP-you-want-for-your-umbrella/24”. In this example, the IP is, where is the fixed IP I want and 24 is the network mask.
Gateaway: The IP of the router that provides you with Internet.
DNS Servers: Add as the cloudflare DNS and as the google DNS… or put the DNS you like the most.
- Leave the rest untouched and navigate to the end where “OK” is displayed, select it and “Enter”.
- It returns us to the previous window, we navigate to “Back” and “Enter”.
- We return to the initial screen, we select “Quit” and “Enter”.
- We exit. Restart your umbrel and, when we return, it should already be working with the fixed IP that you configured.
Remember that this is a “work in progress” and tested up to v1.3 of umbrelOS… Some points may change at any time or new ones may be added if they meet the objective of being more practical and functional than those previously stated.
IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that some of these settings may be wiped/deleted with each umbrelOS update applied.
For the moment, this is the case. But it is just a matter of following the steps one by one again and you will have everything working in 1 hour or less.