How to install 1.1.1 on Proxmox

My 0.5.4 install on top of Ubuntu in a Proxmox VM, I have a 2TB SSD mounted for the Umbrel installation. The Bitcoin Node is currently using 785gb to store the blockchain. It begs the question I can’t seem to find any answer to, is how will a small data mount point hold the block chain?

The migration procedure has you back up to an external USB drive, and I question if that include the huge blockchain.

Do I need to blow off my 2tb ssd and need to resync the chain? Because it seems that way to me.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Hello, I am a total beginner. I managed to install the new version and also install the update.
Of course I also have a backup of the older version 0.5.4.
How can I now transfer the data to version 1.2?
Actually, I only have immich in there, but there is a lot of data.
Can anyone help me?

Thank you very much for the tutorial. My only observation is, I think it is important to clarify that the image needed for the successful configuration is:

To avoid confusion, as I tried first with the installer.iso.xz and it did not work.

Other than that:

All the very best!

Thanks for this tutorial, works like a sharm .

Absolutely perfect!
Well done on this guide…