CONGRATS - You did it all by yourselves!

I did not wait to see if / when my Pi would crash because I knew that day would come - whether I use 4GB or 8GB as highly recommended by Umbrel to future-proof my device!

You had a choice - investors’ $$ (FIAT) or serving BTC → you chose $$.

It’s clear that 2021 saw massive growth, primarily driven by Umbrel’s sudden popularity. Umbrel simplified running both Bitcoin and Lightning nodes on inexpensive hardware, offering a graphical user interface (GUI) over the command line and promising complete self-sovereignty. Thousands began running nodes and opening channels. However, the initial excitement faced technical challenges when Umbrel introduced multiple apps in their app store, overwhelming the underpowered devices. Long-term operation of Raspberry Pi computers occasionally proved unreliable. A small percentage of nodes failed, deterring many users from keeping their bitcoins on such devices, resulting in many Umbrel nodes going offline.

Source → What the Drop in Lightning Nodes Means for LN’s Future? • LightningNetwork+