Bitcoin Node new user in 2025 not 2017

I see tons of info on here that’s pretty dated. Tons of people saying “watch the tutorials”. I watched them. They are all from 2021 or older. It’s 2025. Can we please put a new list of how to get a node up and running for new folks? Can we also avoid making assumptions that people havent read through 400 threads and are still confused? For example. When i’m done downloading and syncing the blockchain, then what? What are the optimal settings to run for the Bitcoin Core app? What’s the best way to secure your node? How can I point my Bitcoin miners to my new Umbrel node? What’s the best apps to download after full sync? What if you dont want to use lightning yet and just want to get set up properly and let it run for a while, what’s some suggestions? Make this process easier for new folks and we can get more people up to speed. Lots of folks buying the Umbrel device and seem super lost. I just want some help and to help others.

The default settings for BTC core are good. It’s fine if you don’t want to open a channel and let everything sit. You could use Umbrel just for the other apps. I hear what you are saying about the other information. I’m in that boat most of the time, too.

I would recommend taking a course on Linux (free or paid). The better you understand how to use Linux with Docker and manipulate/change those environments the better the experience.


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Thank you Stinger. I would love to point my miners to my node. I will get into Lightning eventually. I will definitely check out other apps on this device, but what will learning Linux and Docker do for me or what environments are you referring to? I’m open to learning everything and anything but what can I do with that knowledge? I am new here but not completely in the dark. I have a few Linux machines i’ve built in the past, just wondering if you could elaborate please?