Closing_txid is blank when trying to close a channel

Hi, I’m trying to close a channel Umbrel and ThunderHub but it’s not closing. I’ve noticed that the closing_txid is blank. How do I get a closing_txid

            "channel": {
                "remote_node_pub": "xxx",
                "channel_point": "xxx:1",
                "capacity": "1000000",
                "local_balance": "xx",
                "remote_balance": "10533",
                "local_chan_reserve_sat": "10000",
                "remote_chan_reserve_sat": "10000",
                "initiator": "INITIATOR_REMOTE",
                "commitment_type": "ANCHORS",
                "num_forwarding_packages": "0",
                "chan_status_flags": "ChanStatusCoopBroadcasted|ChanStatusLocalCloseInitiator"
            "limbo_balance": "xxx",
            "commitments": {
                "local_txid": "xxxx",
                "remote_txid": "xxxx",
                "remote_pending_txid": "",
                "local_commit_fee_sat": "3527",
                "remote_commit_fee_sat": "3527",
                "remote_pending_commit_fee_sat": "0"
            "closing_txid": ""

Please help. thanks

Follow these steps from 1) till 3), one of them will resolve the situation

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