The Guide where your Lightning close-transaction can't get the channel closed


I’ve posted this originally on here, and you can still go there and zap me if you like, but since not everyone reads that daily, I thought some cross-posting might be appreciated.
Also, this guide is mostly written for baremetal, so you need to alter some commands like restarting bitcoin or editing the conf-files. I’ve placed what I know about umbrel :open_umbrella: into the footnotes, but in case I’m missing something, please comment here and we can all learn as a community.


We’ve all been been there, a channel gets closed, no-matter yet if it was a cooperative or force-closed, but somehow the close transaction hangs around and doesn’t get confirmed. You want to clear the house, or need the pending onchain sats, but wonder how to go about it? Follow this guide and you’ll hopefully find remedy.

But before, read this article from LND. Then read it again. Once you think you understand it, read it again. It’s not super cohesive, since a number of things from the top need to be understood to grasp the section Channel closing, so ensure you spend some time in there.


This is written for LND, but similar methodologies are applicable for CLN. Eclair folks know their way around anyway.
You identified a channel-close, either in one of the GUIs you use, or from a Bot notification. But it doesn’t confirm. First thing to do is SSH into your node via ssh user@node-ip and get an overview of all pending (open, and close) with
lncli pendingchannels[1].

  "channel": {  
	"remote_node_pub": "123456789889786857463636288291929458767688493999392324",  
	"channel_point": "dhksfkeh8458734kldjfksd39393932033fkk3003022244:1",  
	"capacity": "10000000",  
	"local_balance": "9999711",  
	"remote_balance": "70137",  
	"local_chan_reserve_sat": "10053",  
	"remote_chan_reserve_sat": "10053",  
	"initiator": "INITIATOR_REMOTE",  
	"commitment_type": "ANCHORS",  
	"num_forwarding_packages": "2",  
	"chan_status_flags": "ChanStatusBorked|ChanStatusCommitBroadcasted|ChanStatusLocalCloseInitiator"  
  "limbo_balance": "9999711",  
  "commitments": {  
	"local_txid": "eeof599490930002dcc0db3bfa789eb4afbd89a37794a4c49a5f529ddb1b23e85b3",  
	"remote_txid": "ta48849fkkek39947uuc80371ec96a88297465821ee79ff0b85f8624f83a7455f1cc",  
	"remote_pending_txid": "",  
	"local_commit_fee_sat": "2510",  
	"remote_commit_fee_sat": "2510",  
	"remote_pending_commit_fee_sat": "0"  
"closing_txid": "eeof599490930002dcc0db3bfa789eb4afbd89a37794a4c49a5f529ddb1b23e85b3"

What we see here is that our LND sees that channel as borked, we have a an opening_tx (channel_point:vout), a local_tx and a remote_tx. What’s usually the next step, we wonder why it’s not closing, so we copy the

"closing_txid": "eeof599490930002dcc0db3bfa789eb4afbd89a37794a4c49a5f529ddb1b23e85b3"

and copy it into our favorite mempool tool. Just for guiding sake, we check with, and now it’s the time to split into two scenarios

Scenario 1: shows the closing-tx, but it’s unconfirmed and the fee is too low

What many runners don’t know, runs with a mempool-size of 2GB, while most standard node-systems run with just 300MB. This is usually enough, but not in high fee environments.
So let’s check if your local mempool[2] has it:

bitcoin-cli getrawtransaction eeof599490930002dcc0db3bfa789eb4afbd89a37794a4c49a5f529ddb1b23e85b3
error code: -5
error message:
No such mempool or blockchain transaction. Use gettransaction for wallet transactions.

In this case your mempool probably purged the transaction, or LND never published it due to it’s low commitment fee. Let’s jump to the next section to see what we can do about it.

Scenario 2: shows Transaction not found

Okay, we can assume that your closing-tx probably never hit the public-mempool, we can cut things short here and move to the next section, but just to be safe, let’s check if our local bitcoin-mempool has it

bitcoin-cli getrawtransaction eeof599490930002dcc0db3bfa789eb4afbd89a37794a4c49a5f529ddb1b23e85b3
error code: -5
error message:
No such mempool or blockchain transaction. Use gettransaction for wallet transactions.


Why are there transactions of channel-closes with too low fee? Can’t LND figure out what fee is necessary and get things just out there? I want my funds!
Well… and this is already way better than earlier last year

Let’s assume best intend, no-one built that protocol to make things intentionally complicated. But since you have two parties involved in the process, and we should assume no-trust between those, we need to install processes to keep things fair, balanced and transparent. Read up on the HTLC-detail guide from Elle Mouton to make yourself more familiar with the details.

In short, we have 2 (out of 3) possible ways for a channel-close:

  1. cooperative-close, where both parties are online, one of the two sends a channel-close signal, and then both nodes get to court and negotiate a closing price. Since only the opener pays for the closing-cost, it’s imminent it’s not sky high. There are settings in lnd.conf like coop-close-target-confs=100 which help to keep things rational from your side if the other side triggered the close.
  2. force- or uncooperative-close, where either one of the two parties is unresponsive / offline, or other protocol / node-OS disagreements happen (like expiring HTLCs). In either case one of the two parties force-close, there is no court-negotiation, but based on the last channel_commit agreement the two nodes handshaken on, will be used for the closing-fee. Those agreements are also based on a few lnd.conf settings, like max-commit-fee-rate-anchors and bitcoind.estimatemode[3].

Either have their intricacies, but when the channel-close is not in your local mempool, or too low fee in the public mempool, you can’t get the channel closed and the onchain-sats stay locked away.

Proposed Solutions

We won’t outline every possible scenario, but a couple of most happening ones. Some will work, others not. To avoid this article becoming a master-class, let’s go through a couple of those which are doing no-harm, but helping you worse case to get some more information what’s happening.

For each of those attempts, prepare a second terminal window to your node, and filter (grep) the channel-point and pubkey of the channel, so you’ll be more informed after of what’s happening. This terminal will monitor your lnd.log and show only entries where either the Pubkey of your to be closed channel-peer, or your mutual channel-point is triggered.

sudo tail -f .lnd/logs/bitcoin/mainnet/lnd.log | grep -E 'PUBKEYOFCHANNELPARTNER|CHANNELPOINT:VOUT'

While Terminal 2 stays open, let’s move to Terminal Window 1 for the next couple of commands. We’ll try one after the other, and this guide will be verbose if there’s risk or sat-spending involved. It’s sorted from lowest risk / spend to highest, top down.

1. Reconnect

Many coop-close attempts fail, because when both nodes go to court, there is a possibility to not find consensus on the closing fee. Let’s see if this is the reason, you’ll see entries like commit-fee proposal staggering up, and whether you’ll find consensus
lncli disconnect PUBKEY && lncli connect PUBKEY@ADDRESS:PORT
If the closing attempts fail, you’ll see that each time, the delta between your node and your channel-peer will get closer. Eventually it’ll work, if not, check your lnd.conf settings and eg change bitcoind.estimatemode=ECONOMICAL to bitcoind.estimatemode=CONSERVATIVE.

2. Restart LND

Sometimes closing attempts miss a broadcast due to a missing connection to bitcoind. Restarting LND rebroadcasts every pending channel-close and sweeps, so give this a shot and check your terminal 2 while LND is taking it’s time to come back up. Really, you need some patience here.

3. Reinitiate coop-close (and force-close)

Try to close the channel again, in rare cases this would solve something which 1. didn’t: lncli closechannel --chan_point CHANPOINT:VOUT --sat_per_vbyte XX. This may offer some more insight in your Terminal 2 window. You can do the same for the force-close, just need to adjust the command slightly. For the record, I never had this situation, but it’s not doing any harm in case you know it’s a force-close anyway: lncli closechannel --chan_point CHANPOINT:VOUT --force. We can omit the target sat/vbyte setting since force-closes use the last agreed commit-fee of both you and your peer.

4. Increase local Mempool size

This solves for a couple of things, both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 above, at least as a preparation. Open your bitcoind-configuration with sudo nano .bitcoin/bitcoin.conf to lookup and edit the following entry. Take it to 600 MB to capture all tx of the past two weeks, or up to 2000, (2GB) if not sufficient:

# Increase Mempool size

Restart bitcoind (typically sudo systemctl restart bitcoind) to take this setting into effect. And either LND already restarted by itself, or trigger a manual restart with sudo systemctl restart lnd. Watch Terminal 2, to see whether your 300MB previous mempool was too limited to accept your LND-closing. With 2GB, that limitation is lifted (a little) and potentially allows your LND to broadcast the closing-tx.

5. Manually broadcast the closing-transaction

Eventually 4. allows your local mempool to pick up the closing transaction. Sometimes it doesn’t. Or your mempool has it, but the public mempool didn’t. Without either your bitcoind node, or the public mempools knowing about this tx, your channel can’t get closed. In this event, let’s look at how to broadcast it manually and see what response we get in both Terminals.

  1. Local Mempool check: Follow Scenario 1.
  2. If it’s a No, does have it? Then open the tx there, and grab the RAW-tx by appending the txid here:[TXID]/hex. Copy the whole long string, and execute the local broadcast in your Terminal 1 with lncli wallet publishtx RAWTX.
  3. If that’s a No too, check your LND, it should have it (only in rare circumstances, like SCBs, LND doesn’t have the raw-tx: lncli listchaintxns --start_height 818181 --end_height -1. Substitute 818181 with the current mempool height to filter the transaction output showing only not confirmed pending transactions (utxos). You’ll get the raw-tx there, and can use it with lncli wallet publishtx RAWTX as above.
  4. If your local Mempool has it, but doesn’t, there is no harm broadcasting it there as well. Follow Scenario 1 to retrieve the raw-txid from your local mempool, and copy it in here.

6. Increase the closing-fee

So mempools know about your closing-tx, but it’s way too low. Let’s assume it hangs at 10sat/vbyte (like many pending closing-tx these days), but let’s also assume we won’t see <30sat/vbyte anytime soon. Because you’d always have the option to wait for 10sats, your tx will eventually confirm. But you don’t want to wait, then you’ll need to pay up.
Disclaimer: This one is costing you. No matter who the opener of the channel was (who always pays for both un- and cooperative-closings), the next step costs You. So be concious about it.

The LND Guide linked above has a succinct closing channels section. And since you inhaled that guide, you’ll know the next steps:

  1. For Coop-Closes, you can lncli wallet bumpfee -h to make yourself familiar with the options. It’s pretty self-explanatory, lncli wallet bumpfee --conf_target 6 CHANPOINT:VOUT will ask your local mempool for a sat/vbyte target and set the new closing fee. With lncli wallet bumpfee --sat_per_vbyte 36 CHANPOINT:VOUT, you can set a confident 36 sats/vbyte yourself. Watch Terminal 2 and see what lnd.log tells you.

  2. For Force-Closes, you need a so called CPFP (Child Pays For Parent) transaction, which will become a child of your existing closing fee, and at the same time expensive enough, that both parent + child and their fees will be attractive enough for a miner to pick up and mine it. You can either do some pre-calc with a helper script, or try current mempool medium fee x 2. Not a problem if you don’t start high enough, you can follow step 1. above here with this new child-transaction and bump it’s fee with RBF any time later: lncli wallet bumpclosefee -h for the options:

  • lncli wallet bumpclosefee --conf_target 6 CHANPOINT:VOUT will ask your local mempool for a sat/vbyte target and set the fee for the child-tx.
  • lncli wallet bumpclosefee --sat_per_vbyte 100 CHANPOINT:VOUT will target 100vByte for the combined tx, so your child will have a much higher (probably 2x) effective rate for both your parent and your child to be mined at a 100.

Note that none of this works if your local mempool doesn’t have that txid. So follow steps 1-5 before trying this one.
Now but if it worked, you’ll be prompted with a new txid for your child, which you can later check in your local mempool, and ideally it’ll land in the public mempools to be mined as well. If it ended up too low, bump it with RBF (replace by fee) described in point 1, but targeting your child.

7. Go out of band

Just for completion, there are various miners who offer their mining service for your tx for a hefty cost. This sometimes might be necessary, eg for your channels where the other side force-closed on you, but you only have a static channel-commitment. If your peer is unresponsive or not cooperative to do a CPFP on their side, you’ll wait until forever. Check your favorite search engine, ViaBTC or for their acceleration services.

Hope you enjoyed this article. Please do share feedback and suggestions for improvement.
If this guide was of any help, I’d appreciate if you share the article with others, give me a follow on X Twitter URL or nostr, perhaps even donating some sats to

I’m also always grateful for incoming channels to my node: HODLmeTight

  1. For umbrel :open_umbrella:, you need to jump through some loops for the command lncli . You need to add this whole string before: ~/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning exec -it lnd lncli. To simplify things, create a temporary alias with alias lncli="/home/umbrel/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning exec -it lnd lncli", then all of the above commands should work. ↩︎

  2. Similar to lncli with umbrel :open_umbrella: you need to follow a similar approach for bitcoin-cli: ~/umbrel/scripts/app compose bitcoin exec -it bitcoind bitcoin-cli for the one off-command, or alias bitcoin-cli="~/umbrel/scripts/app compose bitcoin exec -it bitcoind bitcoin-cli" ↩︎

  3. Wonder what your channel-peers current commit-fee is? And whether they use anchors or static channel-fee commitments? Check out this bash-script, among other Node-Tools available as open-source. ↩︎

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great guide- thanks for posting this, im sure many people are going to find this helpful.

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This was helpful - I was able to find the transaction data for a stuck transaction. I used the lncli wallet publishtx command but that didn’t do anything. I ended up copying the HEX data from the transaction, going to’s broadcasting page and pasted it in there - VOILA! - transaction broadcast and confirmed right away because fees were low. My lucky day. Thanks for this comprehensive guide. It didn’t actually solve my exact problem but it had hundreds of ingredients that led to the recipe of my resolution.

1 Like

I’m reading all the tutorials, but I don’t have much knowledge, and everything seems very confusing for me to resolve.

I can’t force the closure of the channel ‘ChanStatusRestored’.

What should I do in this case?

“total_limbo_balance”: “0”,
“pending_open_channels”: [
“pending_closing_channels”: [
“pending_force_closing_channels”: [
“waiting_close_channels”: [
“channel”: {
“remote_node_pub”: “03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f”,
“channel_point”: “30b66b20dff1cde78ee94b43c04cc6b016096b27aac46816709d33ef44f3adc1:1”,
“capacity”: “1000000”,
“local_balance”: “0”,
“remote_balance”: “0”,
“local_chan_reserve_sat”: “0”,
“remote_chan_reserve_sat”: “0”,
“initiator”: “INITIATOR_LOCAL”,
“commitment_type”: “ANCHORS”,
“num_forwarding_packages”: “0”,
“chan_status_flags”: “ChanStatusRestored”
“limbo_balance”: “0”,
“commitments”: {
“local_txid”: “”,
“remote_txid”: “”,
“remote_pending_txid”: “”,
“local_commit_fee_sat”: “0”,
“remote_commit_fee_sat”: “0”,
“remote_pending_commit_fee_sat”: “0”
“closing_txid”: “”

I would assume that your local mempool purged it and hence you could only get it back in by either increasing your local mempool, or as you did, do an external broadcasting. Congrats :metal:

For the guide section 5, paragraph 3, do you happen to find this transaction in your utxo set?

This looks like your unconfirmed channel closing with ACINQ

If so, you can try to publish the raw-tx from here to lncli wallet publishtx RAWTX

Sorry for this newbie question, but how do I find the values for PUBKEY, ADDRESS, and PORT.

The problem i’m trying to fix is “ChanStatusLocalDataLoss”. The other end of the channel is ACINQ. I suspect that their channel state is correct.

Just in case i’m barking up the wrong tree, my context is:
I’m running umbrel OS 1.1 on a Raspberry Pi 4.
Execution of sudo docker exec -it 432cb190baf7 lncli pendingchannels
“total_limbo_balance”: “0”,
“pending_open_channels”: ,
“pending_closing_channels”: ,
“pending_force_closing_channels”: ,
“waiting_close_channels”: [
“channel”: {
“remote_node_pub”: “03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f”,
“channel_point”: “98d798f377102f30222841e6abe4b20d477691a2df16d0cdb0fac3347bd76322:0”,
“capacity”: “2000000”,
“local_balance”: “0”,
“remote_balance”: “0”,
“local_chan_reserve_sat”: “0”,
“remote_chan_reserve_sat”: “0”,
“initiator”: “INITIATOR_LOCAL”,
“commitment_type”: “ANCHORS”,
“num_forwarding_packages”: “0”,
“chan_status_flags”: “ChanStatusLocalDataLoss|ChanStatusRestored”,
“private”: true,
“memo”: “”
“limbo_balance”: “0”,
“commitments”: {
“local_txid”: “”,
“remote_txid”: “”,
“remote_pending_txid”: “”,
“local_commit_fee_sat”: “0”,
“remote_commit_fee_sat”: “0”,
“remote_pending_commit_fee_sat”: “0”
“closing_txid”: “”

No problem with a newbie question at all.
Here at amboss or you can find it the quickest way. FWIW lncli listchannels has that info as well.

:arrow_right: 03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f@

Thank You very much.

Sorry, My lightning channel is still stuck. Any help on a way forward would be greatly appreciated.

My current state:

  • My Nodes Channel Information is all Zero for Local and Remote Balances,
  • LND Shows the channel as closing,
  • Thunderhub shows the channel as closing, when listing Pending Channels,
  • I Have a “Download Channel Backup File” from LND dated May 30th,
  • I have been unable to restore my channel because gossip backups seem to override my restore. (They appear to restore the corrupt state.)
  • My balances should be in the order of:
    . Local 1,800,000 Sats,
    . Remote 200,000Sats.

Channel State:
umbrel@umbrel:~$ sudo docker exec -it 91c86302b968 lncli pendingchannels
[sudo] password for umbrel:
“total_limbo_balance”: “0”,
“pending_open_channels”: ,
“pending_closing_channels”: ,
“pending_force_closing_channels”: ,
“waiting_close_channels”: [
“channel”: {
“remote_node_pub”: “03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f”,
“channel_point”: “98d798f377102f30222841e6abe4b20d477691a2df16d0cdb0fac3347bd76322:0”,
“capacity”: “2000000”,
“local_balance”: “0”,
“remote_balance”: “0”,
“local_chan_reserve_sat”: “0”,
“remote_chan_reserve_sat”: “0”,
“initiator”: “INITIATOR_LOCAL”,
“commitment_type”: “ANCHORS”,
“num_forwarding_packages”: “0”,
“chan_status_flags”: “ChanStatusRestored”,
“private”: true,
“memo”: “”
“limbo_balance”: “0”,
“commitments”: {
“local_txid”: “”,
“remote_txid”: “”,
“remote_pending_txid”: “”,
“local_commit_fee_sat”: “0”,
“remote_commit_fee_sat”: “0”,
“remote_pending_commit_fee_sat”: “0”
“closing_txid”: “”

Any assistance for a way forward would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Jack

It looks like you have fired an SCB, is this correct? Because you stated “channelDataLoss” before, and now it’s “ChanStatusRestored”.

Okay, I’m fishing a little in the dark here, but let’s see if we can resolve it. I have never had to fire an SCB and neither had to do a restore on Umbrel. But perhaps I have some pointer which can help you.

Your channel-point for opening is 98d798f377102f30222841e6abe4b20d477691a2df16d0cdb0fac3347bd76322. Opening this in your favorite block explorer shows a pending close / but unconfirmed here with tx ea63f03cb44c3f68182cae5bd333999516e4646c2f44eb32537a70d19c7c6ec4:

I’m assuming you’re running a new node and it doesn’t know about the closing transaction, because it’s missing history. First, unharmful step would be to broadcast the closing transaction again (Steps outlined here)

Make sure you have a second terminal open and watch the LND logfile with this command before firing the rebroadcasting: sudo docker logs -f -n 200 lightning_lnd_1

If that doesn’t help, have a read through the disaster recovery guide here, and we’ll see how we take you from there.

Hi Hakuna,

It took me a while to figure out what Firing an SCB meant. But now I can confirm that I did and my process was:

  • Using LND>…>“Download channel backup file”, I saved a file my local hard drive,
  • I restored my umbrel node and copied that file to tfer/channel.backup on umbrel,
  • Then did “sudo ./bin/lncli restorechanbackup --multi_file tfer/channel.backup”.

At the time I didn’t see any affect so I thought it had failed. (Had I been following the log on a second terminal I would have known better.)
I also suspect had I performed it under the docker environment my local channelstate might have been better.
NOTE!!! Doing that now under 1.1 through the Terminal>App interface would be a lot easier and more robust.

My current state:

  • My Mempool and were and still are in agreement WRT tx ea63f03cb44c3f68182cae5bd333999516e4646c2f44eb32537a70d19c7c6ec4,
  • I agree with the Tx values for My Change (0.01799065 BTC) and ACINQ’s change (0.00197213 BTC),
  • I Re-broadcasted the unconfirmed transaction (it didn’t effect my local channelstate, but I don’t think that it matters)
  • I probably need to bump the fee if I want this to finalise any time soon.

I am grateful that you were able to find this transaction. May I ask how that was achieved?

Before I try to bump the fee, could you please point me in the direction of how I can:

  • Confirm that the My Change Address is one of mine, and
  • Determine if its a Coop-Close or a Force-Close I suspect that it may be a Coop-Close.

And thanks again for your assistance.

Yours Jack

If you look at your channel-open tx, you see that the address spend an unconfirmed, more recent tx (the one above) here.

An SCB triggers an FC (force-close) signal to your peer, which initiates if the peer’s node is online and runs an implementation that understands it. ACINQ runs eclair, so likely they triggered the FC based on your SCB signal.

As we know from the guide, an FC always needs bumpclosefee (instead of coop => bumpfee), so you’d need to try one of the two 330 sats anchor point tx in the following command

lncli wallet bumpclosefee --conf_target 6 CHANPOINT:VOUT

Remember the second terminal window again, watch it with
sudo docker logs -f -n 200 lightning_lnd_1 | grep -E 'PUBKEYOFCHANNELPARTNER|CHANNELPOINT:VOUT'

Don’t worry, if you pick the wrong anchor point, LND just won’t do anything. Try the other.
The output of lncli listchaintxns --start_height 842427 --end_height -1 should show you though which output is yours with "is_our_output": true

1 Like

Thank you Hakuna,

I haven’t tried to bump the fee yet because “is_our_address” is false on ALL the addresses.

Should I be concerned with the following results?

umbrel:/$ lncli listchaintxns --start_height 842427 --end_height -1
“transactions”: [
“tx_hash”: “ea63f03cb44c3f68182cae5bd333999516e4646c2f44eb32537a70d19c7c6ec4”,
“amount”: “0”,
“num_confirmations”: 0,
“block_hash”: “”,
“block_height”: 0,
“time_stamp”: “1715040150”,
“total_fees”: “0”,
“dest_addresses”: [
“output_details”: [
“address”: “bc1qvfnxpm9qqfl8m7ldf0m4ppgws6nlctum85t7cfmm6g0g9vn0argqse6lp8”,
“pk_script”: “0020626660eca0027e7dfbed4bf750850e86a7fc2f9b3d17ec277bd21e82b26fe8d0”,
“output_index”: “0”,
“amount”: “330”,
“is_our_address”: false
“address”: “bc1qkp39c7rx9c4ez2y39h6s9ycjmws6zdsdtcm70yxxcc6m6ue7x3wqjc3gy2”,
“pk_script”: “0020b0625c78662e2b9128912df5029312dba1a1360d5e37e790c6c635bd733e345c”,
“output_index”: “1”,
“amount”: “330”,
“is_our_address”: false
“address”: “bc1qpp95z4cpq60nlrnhapmm42gecwymkkkvypp6r4ypkyfehjepepmspfzya0”,
“pk_script”: “0020084b415701069f3f8e77e877baa919c389bb5acc2043a1d481b1139bcb21c877”,
“output_index”: “2”,
“amount”: “197213”,
“is_our_address”: false
“address”: “bc1qr48328wj5ld6w9eggw55m0wevz5q0jh6ferypc49d8xz3kuxye0qavk0jd”,
“pk_script”: “00201d4f151dd2a7dba7172843a94dbdd960a807cafa4e4640e2a569cc28db86265e”,
“output_index”: “3”,
“amount”: “1799065”,
“is_our_address”: false
“raw_tx_hex”: “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”,
“label”: “external”,
“previous_outpoints”: [
“outpoint”: “98d798f377102f30222841e6abe4b20d477691a2df16d0cdb0fac3347bd76322:0”,
“is_our_output”: false

Hi Jlu,

this might be a mishap due to the restore node process. I wouldn’t be too concerned to be honest, funds are safu and locked in. It’s just about bumping the fee to get them confirmed, but noone is able to claim them from you.

Secondly, you can just try the lncli wallet bumpclosefee command and see what the lnd-logs and the prompt response tell you. If it’s not working, it won’t do anything. If it’s successful, you’ll get the child-transaction created after ~ 10 minutes but will see it in the logs immediately. There is no harm to just try.

If it’s not working with the chanpoint of the channel, you may need to rebroadcast the raw-tx (I think you’ve already done that, but just to be sure. See here and the following transaction on rebroadcasting)

So please try it with the output change ea63f03cb44c3f68182cae5bd333999516e4646c2f44eb32537a70d19c7c6ec4:3 which is your output:

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Hi Hakuna,

I am not having success. I have attached the output from Terminal1 and Terminal2.
Term1.txt (1.7 KB)
Term2.txt (511 Bytes)

I suspect that, because my copy of the channel state doesn’t have the closing Tx ID, I can’t bumpclosefee.

On another tack I have managed through the use of “Cryptography Toolkit” (Off-line of course) I have managed to connect Sparrow Wallet to my LND BTC Wallet. Screen Shot Attached.

In contrast to a screenshot of my LND node.

I suspect that there is a “second wallet” (probably a multisig) involved because:

  • The opening Tx Source Address is from my Sparrow wallet,
  • The Change Address is not one from Sparrow.

I postulate that:

  • I can’t bumpclosefee because the system can’t evaluate the Closing Tx from CHANPOINT:VOUT.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Jack

Hi Hakuna,

Thanks for you help Tx Confirmed!!!

Summary today:

  • I re-read the Guide and noticed that I had not done point 4.
  • I updated umbrel-bitcoin.conf to increase mempool size and restarted BTC, which resulted in
    Term2 [ERR] BTCN: Unable to rebroadcast transaction …
  • I re-broadcasted the closing Tx. Term1&2 appeared to show success.
  • bumpfeeclose Channel:0 gave no error message but appeared to have no impact on Term2.
  • bumpfeeclose ClosingTX:3 gave [lncli] channel not found.
  • Whislt writing this note Closing Tx Confirmed.
  • Upon checking a Child Tx was created 8 Mins ago.

Days ago I attempted a “wallet bumpclosefee --sat_per_vbyte nn CHANPOINT:VOUT” which I thought Had Failed.

I suspect that he mempool size increase and restart of BTC enabled the child transaction to Happen.

Ta Jack

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Nice, you got it :metal:

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Hi Hakuna,

The below is a screenshot from ThunderHub.

In order to document and understand what has happened. If we number the Txs 1,2,3,4 i.e Earliest to Latest. What Happened:

  1. Initial BTC Deposit,
  2. Open Channel, (ACINQ)
    2a. Implied Channel Close
  3. Child Tx Paid for Channel Close
  4. 9 hours Later ACINQ returned Anchor Fee combined with Change UTXO from Tx2 creating new Change UTXO (Unconfirmed) i.e Item 1 in Chain ITXOs.

Tx 5 (See Below) I then a Send all with an Increased Fee, in the unsuccessful attempt to do a Child Pays Parent (to get 4 Confirmed)

Now when I go to look at Transaction 4 it says “This transaction has been replaced by:5a1fd26c8739a9f9d1769156a9c842cfcd1ffab1d228362014007f883fc0c26c”.

This suggests to me that the Anchor Fee shouldn’t have been sent to me in the first place.

I suspect/hope that this will eventually clear and my tx4 will disappear and my residual funds would cease to be Pending.

Please check my understanding and advise any errors.

Thanks Again for your help.
Ta Jack

Hi Jack,

  1. 5a1fd26c8739a9f9d1769156a9c842cfcd1ffab1d228362014007f883fc0c26c is indeed the anchor, but it wasn’t ACINQ who spent it, but an anchor leecher script.
    Thing is, anchors can be spend by anyone 16 blocks after their creation, to avoid utxo bloat. See context here, there overall article is useful to digest.

So by looking at the 5a1… tx, you’ll see hundreds of 330sat anchors, waiting for 1-2sat/vbyte mempools for this tx to be mined. Otherwise it would be uneconomical to harvest those sats. The dude harvesting those anchors hence waiting for the mempool fees to drop to collect all those.

This is the reason btw why your LND isn’t sweeping the anchor in the first 16 blocks, because the onchain payment would be more expensive than would you get back in return. So it just keeps hanging around there.

To resolve it, you’d need to let your LND know that this anchor is gone. This is typically solved by either restarting LND, or by rebroadcasting the raw channel close tx again via lncli wallet publishtx RAWTX (RAWTX should be this imo)
With this command, LND realises that the anchor is gone, and you’ll have a clean slate accounting again.

Hope this helps, let me know!

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