Channel Pending Close - ChanStatusLocalDataLoss

hello, I have a channel with ACINQ that has been pending close for over 2 months now.

Here is what I get when input pendingchannels command

virtual@virtual-machine:~$ ~/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning exec lnd lncli pendingchannels
“total_limbo_balance”: “993365”,
“pending_open_channels”: ,
“pending_closing_channels”: ,
“pending_force_closing_channels”: ,
“waiting_close_channels”: [
“channel”: {
“remote_node_pub”: “03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f”,
“channel_point”: “7207605018a942205aaf5003e81bbfa8996850176bcca0414412aca69486dd38:0”,
“capacity”: “1000000”,
“local_balance”: “993365”,
“remote_balance”: “0”,
“local_chan_reserve_sat”: “10000”,
“remote_chan_reserve_sat”: “10000”,
“initiator”: “INITIATOR_LOCAL”,
“commitment_type”: “ANCHORS”,
“num_forwarding_packages”: “1”,
“chan_status_flags”: “ChanStatusLocalDataLoss”,
“private”: false,
“memo”: “”
“limbo_balance”: “993365”,
“commitments”: {
“local_txid”: “32ebcfb1df0f1191a07b5e80cc9c14ca83674e1f40366665944ba1ac2a6547c8”,
“remote_txid”: “0ee8bb718956d199d52bedbc5e2d912ba762a4e03911814a5d2703a875c6985d”,
“remote_pending_txid”: “”,
“local_commit_fee_sat”: “5975”,
“remote_commit_fee_sat”: “5975”,
“remote_pending_commit_fee_sat”: “0”
“closing_txid”: “”

How do I go on about getting this channel synced up again?

The “chan_status_flags” indicate that this channel is poof.
You’d need to dig into your logfiles to answer your next question on what happened. But since it’s 2 months ago, I’m quite certain your logfiles already rotated and the info is gone.

So now how to get the funds back, I’m afraid a force-close is the only way as far as I can see. If you happen to use GUIs like RTL or Thunderhub, they offer the option to force-close.

Or check this guide if you prefer the command line.

Here is what I get when I try to coop-close:

~/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning exec lnd lncli closechannel --chan_point 7207605018a942205aaf5003e81bbfa8996850176bcca0414412aca69486dd38:0 sat_per_vbyte 40
[lncli] rpc error: code = Unknown desc = cannot close channel with state: ChanStatusLocalDataLoss

Here is what I get when I try to force close:

~/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning exec lnd lncli closechannel --chan_point 7207605018a942205aaf5003e81bbfa8996850176bcca0414412aca69486dd38:0 --force
[lncli] rpc error: code = Unknown desc = cannot close channel with state: ChanStatusLocalDataLoss

ThunderHub, no force close option? See attached screenshot

RTL, no force close option?

Forget about the GUI options, your channel-state has a data-loss, and without manual intervention via command-line or peer-cooperation, you won’t be able to recover your funds.

First off, we could assume that your node suffered a power outage, either by pulling the power chord, or a power loss.
Secondly, the issue is reported in LND github which I could find with a quick google search here, here and here, where the last link gives you some guidance from Oli Guggero on how to recover by yourself. But this needs some work, and then some more work since it’s only abandoning the channel, but not recovering
Thirdly, what I would try first is find a way to reach support services at ACINQ and ask them to force-close your channel. This should trigger a close-tx, which will send the funds back to your node. Because the second option what Oli suggests just discards the channel, which is what we don’t want (since you have 900k on your side)

Last option which probably is the best way if 3) isn’t working out: Open up a github issue with LND, just the links did above. Oli developed chantools and should give you the right methodology for your data recovery.