Hi all,
I tried to update my umbrel to 1.3.0 with the gui on my RPI5 install.
It failed horribly and left me with no gui webpage. I could ssh into it and using some tricks from the thread on upgrade failure managed to get the gui back. However I am still on the old version …
I could get my Bitcoin Core node up and running, but trying to connect with sparrow, will now no longer work, I am locked out of my wallet.
On a local connection, I get this:
Could not connect:
Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://umbrel.local:8332/wallet/cormorant
I can ssh to umbrel.local, so why the 403 error?
Also, I had 3 containers running in Portainer, and they all fail to run …
(Error: The Environment named primary is unreachable)
Something is very wrong with my system after the upgrade attempt. I am at a loss … seems like a networking issue …help please …
EDIT: I did notice this in the bitcoin core logs.:
connect() to failed after wait: No route to host (113)