Can I add disks?

I’d like to install Umbrel 1.1 on the internal small M.2 SSD of my NUC, and then later add an external 1 TB disk for Bitcoin, and a 4TB disk for Plex, and maybe more. How do I do this?


I’m sure you can, maybe try this:

If you using the newest umbrel version, inside settings - advanced settings there is a way for you to open the commands terminal.

Thanks. Worth a try, but I fear that any future Umbrel updates will mess this up. Would be nice if Umbrel made a way to overrule the default data dir for each app, allowing us to add a large top-reliable disk for bitcoin, and a huge cheap disk for Plex - things like that. I can’t be the only one who would like this, right?


Tendrían que agregar esa característica de manera nativa en el sitema urgentemente !! Porfavor