BTCPayServer stuck on “starting…”
Im having trouble with BTCPayServer on Umbrel.
Its a fresh installation.
- Install Bitcoin (wait for it to sync) - works ok
- install lnd - works ok
- install BTCPayServer - says “starting”, will not start.
It is not reachable on port 3003, even though the logs says it is listening…
a2845b043e25 btcpayserver/btcpayserver:1.9.2 "dotnet BTCPayServer…" 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes btcpay-server_web_1
091cd1a06463 nicolasdorier/nbxplorer:2.3.62 "dotnet NBXplorer.dll" 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes btcpay-server_nbxplorer_1
88c1c50c1ef9 btcpayserver/postgres:13.7 "/migrate-docker-ent…" 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes 5432/tcp btcpay-server_postgres_1
Logs BtcpayServer:
info: Configuration: Data Directory: /data
info: Configuration: Configuration File: /data/Main/settings.config
info: BTCPayServer.Plugins.PluginManager: Loading plugins from /data/plugins
info: BTCPayServer.Plugins.PluginManager: Adding and executing plugin BTCPayServer - 1.9.2
info: BTCPayServer.Plugins.PluginManager: Adding and executing plugin BTCPayServer.Plugins.Shopify - 1.9.2
info: BTCPayServer.Plugins.PluginManager: Adding and executing plugin BTCPayServer.Plugins.PointOfSale - 1.9.2
info: BTCPayServer.Plugins.PluginManager: Adding and executing plugin BTCPayServer.Plugins.PayButton - 1.9.2
info: BTCPayServer.Plugins.PluginManager: Adding and executing plugin BTCPayServer.Plugins.NFC - 1.9.2
info: BTCPayServer.Plugins.PluginManager: Adding and executing plugin BTCPayServer.Plugins.Crowdfund - 1.9.2
info: Configuration: Supported chains: BTC
info: Configuration: BTC: Explorer url is http://btcpay-server_nbxplorer_1:32838/
info: Configuration: BTC: Cookie file is /data/.nbxplorer/Main/.cookie
info: Configuration: Network: Mainnet
info: Configuration: Root Path: /
info: Configuration: Connection to NBXplorer’s database successful, dashboard and reporting features activated.
info: PayServer: Checking if any payment arrived on lightning while the server was offline…
info: PayServer: Processing lightning payments…
info: PayServer: Starting listening NBXplorer (BTC)
info: PayServer: Start watching invoices
info: PayServer: Starting payment request expiration watcher
info: PayServer: 0 pending payment requests being checked since last run
info: Configuration: Now listening on:
info: PayServer: BTC: Checking if any pending invoice got paid while offline…
info: PayServer: BTC: 0 payments happened while offline
info: PayServer: Connected to WebSocket of NBXplorer (BTC)
Logs NBXplorer:
Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: /app/
Now listening on:
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: NBXplorer.Indexer.BTC: Full node version detected: 240001
warn: NBXplorer.Indexer.BTC: BTC: Your NBXplorer server is not whitelisted by your node, you should add “whitelist=” to the configuration file of your node. (Or use whitebind)
info: NBXplorer.Events: BTC: Node state changed: NotStarted => NBXplorerSynching
info: NBXplorer.Indexer.BTC: Current Index Progress not found, start syncing from the header’s chain tip (At height: 791009)
info: NBXplorer.Events: BTC: Node state changed: NBXplorerSynching => Ready
info: NBXplorer.Events: BTC: New block 000000000000000000033ffe0cdfae1707f7c8ca4631e6e555898772250a6c08 (791009)
info: NBXplorer.Events: BTC: New block 0000000000000000000561dedc4fb6ab12d4bd1a5abbc7ea360145fa2d3b7aa1 (791010)
Logs Postgres:
2023-05-23 07:08:21.900 UTC [1] LOG: starting PostgreSQL 13.6 (Debian 13.6-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
2023-05-23 07:08:21.900 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv4 address “”, port 5432
2023-05-23 07:08:21.900 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv6 address “::”, port 5432
2023-05-23 07:08:21.901 UTC [1] LOG: listening on Unix socket “/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432”
2023-05-23 07:08:21.905 UTC [27] LOG: database system was shut down at 2023-05-23 07:08:18 UTC
2023-05-23 07:08:21.910 UTC [1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2023-05-23 07:08:24.179 UTC [34] FATAL: database “nbxplorermainnet” does not exist
2023-05-23 07:08:24.648 UTC [36] ERROR: relation “nbxv1_migrations” does not exist at character 25
2023-05-23 07:08:24.648 UTC [36] STATEMENT: SELECT script_name FROM nbxv1_migrations
2023-05-23 07:08:28.304 UTC [40] FATAL: database “btcpayservermainnet” does not exist
2023-05-23 07:08:28.350 UTC [41] FATAL: database “btcpayservermainnet” does not exist
It seems to be a postgres issue?
Not sure how to fix this. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling BTCPayServer. Did not change the situation.
Any hints appreciated