Bitcoin node and Electr apps appear as "not running" while it's actually running

On the homepage both Bitcoin node and Electr apps appear as “not running” while it’s actually running, I can open the Mempool app, the new blocks sync correctly and I can explore the chain.

Could be linked to installing Alby Hub (I installed it a few days ago). Anyway the Lightning node also works properly, I can send and receive without issues.

Since both apps appear as “not running” I can not open them. Just so you guys know it :saluting_face:.

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Probably the same here, tested Alby (and Portainer) I’ve uninstalled Portainer (but the logs said not really)
Portainer not running, Alby and others apps are locked. Can’t uninstall any app.

Same here with portainer.
Umbrel starts to random freeze and i have to restart the pc manually.
Uninstalled portainer and i can’t install it again because of “not running” label on app store.

any advice?

I’ve send an email to support; hopping answer shortly

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UPDATE: no update

Still no update, I’ve seen on X upcoming OS update on february.
I hope this will fix the problem

Sometimes the obvious is the solution… :sweat_smile: I just restarted the umbrel and now appears as running and apps are accessible. Can get in the apps and also my sparrow wallet is properly connected to my umbrel node.