I have the following issue with Umbrel 1.1.2 after it worked smooth for some time on a mini-pc.
In the logs, the following appears:
Failed to get memory usage for app bitcoin: Command failed with exit code 1: docker stats --no-stream --format {“container”:“{{.Name}}”,“CPUPerc”:“{{.CPUPerc}}”,“MemPerc”:“{{.MemPerc}}”} bitcoin_app_proxy_1 bitcoin_server_1 bitcoin_bitcoind_1 bitcoin_tor_1 bitcoin_i2pd_daemon_1
Jun 03 09:10:12 umbrel umbreld[654]: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
This error also appears for the other apps.
I think this error appeared after a restart after a failed uninstallation of the thunderhub app.
Can someone help?