You have several guides in the dedicated section of this forum Guides section.
There you can read the special ones for describing LNDhub Bluewallet and another one for LNDhub LNBits
What i’m looking for if some one has a hint, why i cannot connect my BW to umbrel node.
It looks so simpel, but what ever I do, i get pop up with Alert: invalid LNDHub URI
@DarthCoin I am having the same issues, despite doing exactly what your guide (or Umbrels guide under ‘connect wallet’) says. I’m using Blue Wallet via iOS/iPhone. Tried it with & without the same network.
When I enable tor in the BW settings by clicking ‘start’ and then restart BW, tor is on Daemon Status ‘NOTINIT’ again. But whether I start it again or not, I always get those messages when trying to connect my node:
Electrum Server: “Alert - Can’t connect to the provided Electrum server”
Lightning Settings: “Alert - Invalid LNDHub URI”
FWIW, I also couldn’t connect to my Bitcoin core node in Electrum (same network) with the Umbrel guide. I needed to type in the Umbrel local address and didn’t activate the tor proxy.
Don’t use internal Tor from BW. Use with Orbot + BW
Also I suggest to use Zeus instead of BW. Works much better.
You can also use the new Umbrel app Tailscale to connect to your node through private VPN.
Oh man… you always do the wrong things that’s why you get the error.
Is so simple and please pay attention to details I explained in those guides.
To connect Bluewallet app through Tor
Install Orbot on your phone and add BW as VPN app
Start BW. Go to settings - Network - Electrum server
Scan or paste the QR code provided in “Connect wallet” section, Electrum Android/Desktop or Bluewallet. Save
Go to Lightning settings and scan or paste the URI provided in your BW LNDhub page umbrel.local:3008. Save
Restart your BW app on mobile
Create a new LN wallet, it will be created a LNDhub wallet in your Umbrel Node BW Lightning.
Save that lndhub URI, in your backup password manager.
Done, now you can use that LNDhub wallet as a normal LN wallet.
To connect Zeus using Tailscale VPN and that LNDhub wallet
Install Tailscale app in your Umbrel. Configure it, make the account, write down the VPN IP provided.
Install Tailscale on your phone, connect with same account, then also you will see in the app your node IP.
Open Zeus, go to settings, “add new node” (it should be “accounts”, but anyways).
Select type of node “LNDhub”
Paste that LNDhub URI, but replacing the onion address with your Tailscale VPN IP of your node (see it in your Tailscale app). Select, existing account, not Tor, save configuration.
Done. Takes a while to connect and your LNDhub is ready to be used.
Same you can add your LN node there, by following the instruction from Umbrel dashboard - connect wallet - zeus, scan the QR LNDconnect and instead of onion address, replace it with your VPN IP, all the rest remain the same.
Done, now you can use both accounts in Zeus, byt switching them when is needed and NOT using through Tor connection.
Thanks for this. With Bluewallet app everything worked fine for me until step 4: ‘Invalid LNDHub URI’
I also tried starting the URI with http:// , https:// , and nothing. Same message. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
For me, the nice (and only) reason why I would like to use BlueWallet via LNDHub is that you can create multiple wallets in Umbrel Node BW Lightning, without giving BW actual control of your node nor its internal LN wallet. Can you also create multiple wallets with Zeus + Tailscale VPN via LNDhub? (Or with any other mobile wallet like the ones from the guide: [GUIDE] Connect Umbrel to your wallet)
I know with Zap once you connect your node it gets full control, and you cannot create additional wallets.
So it looks like the Blue Wallet that sunsetted its custodial version of the lightning wallet no longer works for the self custody lightning wallet also.
More frustrating experience for me, everything was working perfectly with B.W on LNDhub!! And then, one fine day, nothing at all, and no way to understand why!! I followed the procedure to retrieve the funds from my LNDhub B.W to an On Chain address. We’ll see what happens next… It’s been two bad experiences with B.W, it’s starting to be discouraging
I submitted to on Nov27, 2023 and no on-chain coin transfer 2 months later. No answering of emails from So I have only read of others being successful but not my case so far. I dis get my on-chain sata off but not successful with the lightning sats. I do have the QR code to exporr/import the BW lightning wallet but still struggling through endless scammers.