A gift from me to you

The lack of https turning me off, I have gotten away from Umbrel’s home server, as most of the apps require https to fully function.

I wanted to make something available to you guys, I normally sell these, but I know the https is frustrating for many. I am giving away bash scripts for you that include https.

One is Nextcloud, use the command below, simply run the command add your domain, and be sure to add an “A” record.

sudo apt update -y && \
sudo apt install -y unzip && \
curl -sL "https://user.fm/files/v2-43cf47a80a4781b0dffb1b380483f64e/Next%20cloud%20Bash%20Script.zip" -o script.zip && \
unzip -o script.zip -d script_folder && \
cd script_folder/"Next cloud Bash Script" && \
bash Nextcloud.sh

The second is Portainer, same steps as Nextcloud.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y unzip && \
curl -L https://user.fm/files/v2-d566c03fe74f854e1086a9cca8d7c31a/Portainer%20Bash%20Script.zip -o portainer_bash_script.zip && \
unzip portainer_bash_script.zip && \
cd "Portainer Bash Script" && \
bash portainer.sh

It might take a few min for the containers to start, my only ask is to leave a review if it worked for you. I hope this helps someone, it has helped me tremendously.

Thank you

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Thanks for the script! Looks great, I’ll definitely give it a try. The Caddy configuration for HTTPS is especially handy. I’ll let you know how it goes!

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Hey, Denny ty! Please use this updated command for Nextcloud! i just realized it got updated

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y \
&& sudo apt install -y unzip xz-utils \
&& curl -o nextcloud_script.zip "https://user.fm/files/v2-43cf47a80a4781b0dffb1b380483f64e/Next%20cloud%20Bash%20Script.zip" \
&& unzip -o nextcloud_script.zip \
&& find . -type f -name "*.sh" -exec chmod +x {} \; \
&& find . -type f -name "*.sh" -exec bash {} \;
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Great! Thank you very much! :sunglasses:

Nice, complete setup in one script, ready to run on a naked server :slight_smile:

It’s wonderful isn’t it

PSA : Never blindly copy and paste commands that will immediately download and sudo execute some dudes script on your node!

OP: It would be acceptable if you posted in a code snippet or a public repository with a code view, and present steps to use rather than suggest a way for people to execute your code sight unseen.

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Totally agree with this, a black box and telling the people “run this, is the best” is never “a gift”

Chill out for a sec.

I get the concerns here, but I just want to offer another perspective. The thing is, when you download the script, you can unzip it and check out the code before running it. So it’s not about blindly executing something - you still have control over what happens.

Sure, it would be nicer to have the script in a public repository, but even like this, there’s still plenty of room to review the code before you run it. If you want, you can check it out on a safe VM or container before it hits your actual server.

At the end of the day, it’s all about letting people make their own decisions. As long as the code can be reviewed, I don’t see much of a difference from a public repo.

A little personal responsibility goes a long way! :sunglasses:

I think @techytony only meant well with this.

Appreciate that Denny… I did mean well and no harm at all nobody’s perfect just trying to help

The issue here is that a copy paste command has been presented that immediately downloads unzips and sudo executes code.