Umbrel wont load any apps after i reflashed a new sd card

i got it fixed with support. here is their solution

It’s not anything too difficult to do or coding persay you just need to SSH into your Umbrel, you can reference the steps under “How to SSH”
in the guide as well: Official Umbrel Troubleshooting Guide and FAQ

On Mac you can open Terminal or Command Prompt and Windows and then just type: ssh umbrel@umbrel.local

Then login

Then run the command from the guide:
sudo nano ~/umbrel/app-data/bitcoin/data/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf

Then you just type that line into the terminal as a new line:

Then as shown in the terminal commands
Save and exit the file by pressing CTRL+X , then Y , and then ENTER

Then you can restart Bitcoin Node from the app advanced settings or just run command to restart Bitcoin on your node:
sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/app restart bitcoin