I’ve opted in to the umbrelOS Beta Program and have been trying to connect to Wifi multiple times, however I keep getting the message that the password for my router (tried my extender too) are incorrect while I’m 100% they are correct.
Ok lets try some things to see if we can get you connected.
If at any point you find the terminal not giving you a cursor and it has a line count in the bottom left you can type :q to get your cursor back.
Step 1: Access umbrelOS Settings
Open your browser and go to umbrel.local.
Navigate to Settings > Advanced Settings > Terminal > umbrelOS.
Step 2: Verify Wireless Device
In the terminal, type nmcli and press Enter.
Look for your wireless card, which typically starts with wlp.
Step 3: Delete Saved WiFi Connections
To delete a saved WiFi connection, use the following command: sudo nmcli connection delete CONNECTION_NAME
Replace CONNECTION_NAME with the actual name of your connection.
Step 4: Reconnect via GUI
Attempt to connect to your WiFi again using the GUI.
If the connection fails, go back to the terminal.
Step 5: Manual Connection
Delete the connection again using: sudo nmcli connection delete CONNECTION_NAME
Connect manually with: sudo nmcli dev wifi c CONNECTION_NAME password PASSWORD
Replace CONNECTION_NAME and PASSWORD with your network’s name and password.
Step 6: Isolate 2.4 GHz Network (if necessary)
If connection issues persist, your network may have the same SSID for both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. This should normally not cause problems but sometimes it does.
Isolate the 2.4 GHz network:
Run: nmcli -f ALL dev wifi
Look for the line with your SSID and FREQ 2412.
Copy the BSSID from that line.
Step 7: Connect to 2.4 GHz Network
Using the copied BSSID, connect with: sudo nmcli d wifi c BSSID password PASSWORD
Replace BSSID and PASSWORD with the appropriate values.
If that doesn’t work, let me know and we can dig deeper.