Wifi password incorrect

I’ve opted in to the umbrelOS Beta Program and have been trying to connect to Wifi multiple times, however I keep getting the message that the password for my router (tried my extender too) are incorrect while I’m 100% they are correct.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?


Hey @p0die, Just want to check are you currently able to add other new devices to your wifi?

Yep, I was able to connect a Bitaxe to my Wifi recently

Ok lets try some things to see if we can get you connected.

If at any point you find the terminal not giving you a cursor and it has a line count in the bottom left you can type :q to get your cursor back.

Step 1: Access umbrelOS Settings

  1. Open your browser and go to umbrel.local.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Advanced Settings > Terminal > umbrelOS.

Step 2: Verify Wireless Device

  1. In the terminal, type nmcli and press Enter.
  2. Look for your wireless card, which typically starts with wlp.

Step 3: Delete Saved WiFi Connections

  1. To delete a saved WiFi connection, use the following command: sudo nmcli connection delete CONNECTION_NAME

  2. Replace CONNECTION_NAME with the actual name of your connection.

Step 4: Reconnect via GUI

  1. Attempt to connect to your WiFi again using the GUI.
  2. If the connection fails, go back to the terminal.

Step 5: Manual Connection

  1. Delete the connection again using: sudo nmcli connection delete CONNECTION_NAME

  2. Connect manually with: sudo nmcli dev wifi c CONNECTION_NAME password PASSWORD

  3. Replace CONNECTION_NAME and PASSWORD with your network’s name and password.

Step 6: Isolate 2.4 GHz Network (if necessary)

  1. If connection issues persist, your network may have the same SSID for both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. This should normally not cause problems but sometimes it does.

  2. Isolate the 2.4 GHz network:

  3. Run: nmcli -f ALL dev wifi

  4. Look for the line with your SSID and FREQ 2412.

  5. Copy the BSSID from that line.

Step 7: Connect to 2.4 GHz Network

  1. Using the copied BSSID, connect with: sudo nmcli d wifi c BSSID password PASSWORD

  2. Replace BSSID and PASSWORD with the appropriate values.

If that doesn’t work, let me know and we can dig deeper.

Hi, sorry for the late reply.

Just tried the steps, however at step 2 I already don’t see the wireless card… nothing that starts with wlp for sure.

It does say:
wlan0: disconnected