Using second drive for bitcoin core

Hi all. I’m setting up a mini pc to install Umbrel OS 1.0 and bitcoin core. The main ssd will be hosting the OS. Any OS related problems on installing a second SSD exFAT formatted to host the bitcoin folders?

I am also interested in this topic actually.
It makes a lot of more sense to me to allow having the bitcoin core app running it’s storage on a secondary drive, which could be under RAID, or a faster SSD, etc

Hey @avsilva! So at the moment, external storage is a bit tricky, but it’s something they are working on. I too had concerns about storing the block state on external (or even network storage).

First, are you referencing version 1.0 as v1.0+, because 1.2.1 is available and I would recommend using the latest version. Here is the x86 install guide if you haven’t seen it, you can get the latest ISO there.

So somethings you should know

  • bitcoind core stores is .bitcoin/ directory in the application data directory under umbrel/app-data/bitcoin/data/bitcoin. Most applications store data under the application storage directory, but that does not seem to be the case as per the app configuration, likely because it’s safer here.
  • if you make filesystem changes such as fstab, they are unlikely to survive an OS update unfortunately.

What I plan to experiment with is, a safe place to store your own startup scrips that can survive and update, which you could make your startup changes, in your case modifying fstab to create, mount, and alias your bitcoin directory properly, before the container is started, otherwise you’d have to restart it manually.