Update Question

Planning to update to 1.0x and have a couple of questions

  1. Can I use a new SD card to load OS onto and just swap them over or do I need to use the old SD card and flash that?

  2. Can I upgrade to Pi5 at the same time? So use new Pi, new SD card and my existing SSD?


Hey Orb! Great questions:

  1. Can I use a new SD card to load OS onto and just swap them over or do I need to use the old SD card and flash that?

Yes, you can use a new SD card and just swap your cards. You don’t need to use the old card.

  1. Can I upgrade to Pi5 at the same time? So use new Pi, new SD card and my existing SSD?

That’s correct! You can upgrade to the Pi 5 at the same time. As long as you plugin your existing SSD, all your Umbrel data (including your apps) will continue to persist and you’ll be presented with your login screen when you go to umbrel.local.
