Umbrel Troubleshooting Guide

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No communications, Tor network was not working till end moment of shown logs. I read many people have problems with Tor, I guess its related to their country, as here in my country I never had any problems connecting to Tor. Read this topic about this issue LND: Tor & Clearnet - How to setup hybrid-mode
But I see you are not using a SSD, this is off recommendation, and you won´t go very far with this setup, anyway.

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I am running v0.5 and ran into this message when trying to reconnect my channels. I ran both of the commands exactly as listed above and it did not work. It seems like the new version has a different file system. Help.

You can try this.

~/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning exec lnd lncli <sub-command>

I have exactly the same situation sadly.
Have you found any solution to the problem since then?

I’m trying to unlock, but I receive this response:
umbrel@umbrel:~ $ cd ~/umbrel && docker-compose exec lnd /bin/bash
umbrel@umbrel:~/umbrel $ lncli unlock
-bash: lncli: command not found

Hi @trace !
You can unlock your wallet using :
~/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning exec lnd lncli unlock

@DarthCoin : Since 0.5 version, I think the script has changed :

sed -i '/reset-wallet-transactions=true/d;' ~/umbrel/app-data/lightning/data/lnd/lnd.conf

If right, maybe can you update your guide at part “What is the procedure …UTXO’s” ?

Several months ago I setup my Bitcoin Machine and everything was working just fine. Wrote everything down. Logged in a few months later no problem.

Today I tried logging into my Umbrel and my password doesn’t work anymore for some reason. Without my password it seems like there’s nothing else I can do besides this step to reset my Umbrel user data, which I’m fine with. However, I don’t understand how to follow the step “Enter using SSH and run the following” when I don’t know my password and that’s required to run the next command. Am I misunderstanding something?

Appreciate the help.

updating on linux there is a problem with a locked docker container.

credits PK on telegram:
Try running ‘docker ps’ after stopping umbrel and see if there are any running containers
If there are remove them manually using ‘docker rm -f “containerID”’

it solved the problem for me updating to umbrel 0.5.2

For normal Linux OS users:

Make a channels backup. Go to Umbrel dashboard - Lightning and on the right top side, 3 dots, save backup on your local PC.
Stop Umbrel node: sudo ./scripts/stop
Run sudo docker ps (see if there are any running containers). If there are remove them manually using ‘docker rm -f “containerID”’
Save your lnd.conf file if you edited (add color, name or specific features to your node). How to edit lnd.conf in Umbrel. More details about what you can add to a lnd.conf file here 56. After version 0.4.0 this file is not overwritten anymore with a default one, but just in case, make a backup.
Update system: sudo apt update and then sudo apt upgrade
Restart system
Update Umbrel (replace version with the latest release):
cd ~/umbrel && sudo ./scripts/update/update --repo getumbrel/umbrel#v0.4.8
Replace lnd.conf file with the one you save it before update (After version 0.4.0 this file is not overwritten anymore with a default one)
Start Umbrel: sudo ./scripts/start
Leave the node to catch up with blocks and logs, usually takes several minutes, be patient. Now you can enter into dashboard Umbrel

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Closing the loop on my posted problem. Here is the resolution that worked for me from another thread:

Could you please add to your post information on how to disable auth proxy for accessing apps without Umbrel authorization. I’ve posted particular example for Invidious here : Invidious without Umbrel login and clear net URL


I’ve been looking over this guide and other posts and commands like this one seem to no longer work. Is there an alternative? This is what occurs when I enter it on my box:

umbrel@umbrel:~/umbrel $ docker-compose logs -f bitcoin
ERROR: No such service: bitcoin
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Same issue here…searched the forum and not seeing anything on this topic.

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I am starting to compile some stuff as I figure things out. Maybe you’ll find it useful as well.

Important Commands

How to get logs from a container in REAL TIME
docker logs -tf --tail="50" ContainerNameHere

How to show all images and container names that contain a specific name. Example "lightning"
docker ps --filter "name=lightning" --format "table {{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}"

getumbrel/umbrel-bitcoin:v0.4.1 ---> bitcoin_server_1
getumbrel/tor: ---> bitcoin_tor_1
getumbrel/app-proxy:v0.5.2 ---> bitcoin_app_proxy_1
purplei2p/i2pd:release-2.44.0 ---> bitcoin_i2pd_daemon_1
getumbrel/bitcoind:v24.0.1 ---> bitcoin_bitcoind_1

getumbrel/umbrel-lightning:v1.0.4 --->lightning_app_1
lightninglabs/lnd:v0.15.5-beta --->lightning_lnd_1
getumbrel/app-proxy:v0.5.2 --->lightning_app_proxy_1
getumbrel/tor: --->lightning_tor_1
shahanafarooqui/rtl:0.13.2 --->ride-the-lightning_web_1
getumbrel/app-proxy:v0.5.2 --->ride-the-lightning_app_proxy_1
boltz/boltz-lnd:1.2.6 --->ride-the-lightning_boltz_1

Did some exploring and found this:

I don’t know what the advantage/disadvantage would be to call start/stop/restart vs compose stop/start