Umbrel OS on a laptop without LAN port?

Hello there.
I’ve been using Umbrel OS and I’m very happy with it. I’ve suggested it to a friend who’s got an unused laptop.

Problem is, that laptop hasn’t got a LAN port. So they’d need to set it up via Wifi from the beginning. Is it possible?


I am not using wifi but per my reading , you can, just downland and make a usb installation drive and start from there. After that, you can set up your wifi (your wifi chip is supported by Linux) and access from the web interface. IMO, it is more easy to work with lan connection, just get a usb to lan adapter (make sure it is compatible with the linux version of Umbrel) and you should be all set.

Thanks for your answer, but nor their laptop nor their portable router has got a lan port.

Any chance I could connect Umbrel from the terminal within it?

I suceeded connecting it without the LAN cable by running

nmcli dev wifi
nmcli dev wifi connect "SSID" password "PASSWORD"

in umbrel’s terminal

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It worked. Thanks