Umbrel not restarting

My raspberry pi4 umbrel is stuck in starting mode, haven’t been able to get it to restart, hoping to get some help

Ok I will try that , tried some ssh commands but that don’t work

Post some logs

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Can you confirm you are on the screen “Starting Umbrel,” or another error when loading dashboard?

Or applications are stuck on starting?

Follow these steps to reflash,

SSH and run this command to safely shutdown: sudo shutdown

Unplug power and reflash your MicroSD card, then when complete plug in your power last and wait ~5 minutes

For reference, reflashing will not result in any data loss because all user data is stored on your external storage drive (SSD or HDD).

To reflash your MicroSD card, follow the steps under “Install on a Rasberry Pi 4.”

thanks for that info , have a question about ssh into umbrell , is there different ssh command for a linux or mac computer and is there a way to know you have successfully ssh into my umbrel

when i do reflash should i used the latest verison availble


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