Umbrel Home Set Up

Hi guys:

I bought the new Umbrella Home but when I tried to set up I was facing this problem. I have from a long time ago my own Node Rasbperry Pi 4 with UmbrelOS installed.


1- Can I keep both Rasbperry Pi4 and Umbrel Home?
2- How Can I set up the new Umbrel Home if I already have the Raspberry Pi4?

I think the next question coming after the answers.

Thanks in advance for your time and support

Hi @Kmilovf Yes! You can migrate from the Pi 4 to the Home with the feature below:

Please let me know if you run into any issues.

HI, would it be possible to keep both running simultaneously? the PI with the 0.5.4 software and the Umbrel Home with the 1.0 version? My current PI 4 is running fine and I am happy with it, nevertheless I am interested in the Umbrel Home in addition to my PI… but am not sure if this causes issues. Thanks for your guidance.