Tutorial: Solo mining on Android phone with Public-Pool on Umbrel

I know what you’re thinking: “Solo mining with an Android phone? Has he lost his mind?” But don’t worry, I’m still sane! :smile: In a world full of high-end mining rigs that cost more than my car, I thought: Why not try the basics and see what my little phone can do?

In this tutorial I will show you how to turn your Android device into a mini mining rig that doesn’t invent a new block, but is all the more fun. Unpack your chargers, it’s going to be exciting! :iphone: :electric_plug:

  1. Install the Public-Pool app from the Umbrel App Store
  2. download termux from f-droid (Termux | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository) and install it on your Android phone
  3. open termux and enter the following commands:
  4. termux-setup-storage
  5. apt-get update
  6. apt-get upgrade -y
  7. apt-get install wget -y
  8. apt-get install openssl-tool -y
  9. apt-get install proot -y
  10. wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EXALAB/AnLinux-Resources/master/Scripts/Installer/Ubuntu/ubuntu.sh && bash ubuntu.sh
  11. ./start-ubuntu.sh ; su
  12. apt-get update
  13. apt-get upgrade -y
  14. apt install git -y
  15. apt install proot -y
  16. apt-get install automake autoconf pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev libssl-dev libgmp-dev zlib1g-dev make g++
  17. git clone https://github.com/tpruvot/cpuminer-multi
  18. cd cpuminer-multi
  19. ./build-linux-arm.sh
  20. ./cpuminer -o stratum+tcp://umbrel.local:2018 -u bitcoin_address.workername -p x -a sha256d -R 10
    Or with thread limitation ( -t 2 ) how many threads (depending on how many CPUs you have on your device)
    ./cpuminer -o stratum+tcp://umbrel.local:2018 -u bitcoin_address.workername -p x -a sha256d -R 10 -t 2
  21. monitor your miner on http://umbrel.local:2019

App can run in background, if you want to quit press CTRL + C.

And there you have it! :zap: :tada:
Your Android phone is now officially a mini-miner - albeit in a more symbolic sense. Of course, solo mining on a smartphone is not a way to get rich (or earn anything worth mentioning), but hey, it’s all about having fun, right? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

If your phone started to glow a little during the process - don’t worry, that’s part of the “mining charm”! :fire: And if you’re now keen to do some “real” mining, it might be time to invest in some more powerful hardware.

Note: If no connection to Umbrel can be established, the following line should be added to /etc/hosts: 192.168.x.x umbrel.local
Replace “192.168.x.x” with your local IP of your node.

Good luck and happy mining! :hammer_and_pick:

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Hey, me again :sweat_smile:, if my node isn’t 100% synced yet could it cause problems during setup?

It is essential that you have synchronized your node.